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SQUEEKY2's avatar

If you hang Christmas lights on your house during the holidays, does it bother you if your neighbour chooses not to?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23597points) December 13th, 2014

And why would it bother you if they choose not to hang lights on their house at Christmas?

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22 Answers

Berserker's avatar

It doesen’t. Well, I don’t put up lights myself. Two people on my street have an impressive set of lights every year though. Looks like a Christmas village up in this bitch. Even if I did have lights, no one would notice as I’d be eclipsed by those two Xmas G’s.

Coloma's avatar

No. Besides, the only neighbor within view here is the neighboring ranch across our pastures and they have strung lights on 3 pine big pine trees so we are enjoying the Christmas trees in the woods. They are visible but about ¼ mile away.

prairierose's avatar

No, it is none of my business. If my neighbor doesn’t choose to decorate the outside of his house, fine with me, besides it eliminates competition on whose lights are the prettiest. :)

elbanditoroso's avatar

Suppose the neighbor is Jewish or Muslim. Does that bother you?

ucme's avatar

Of course not, can’t imagine why anyone would.

dappled_leaves's avatar

No, I can’t imagine caring. Why do you ask?

geeky_mama's avatar

Nope, not at all.

However, there is a neighborhood just about 10 minutes drive from us (in the same town, though we’re in a rural area, and their area is more like a usual suburban n’hood..with houses close together).. and every single house puts up lights. Lots of them.

We like to drive through there on Christmas Eve (sipping hot chocolate) ...but I don’t think I could ever live in that neighborhood because the peer pressure of being the ONE house out of nearly 80, 100? others that didn’t put up lights would be terrible.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m Jewish and live in a very Baptist neighborhood in a very right wing state, Most houses aroun me have Christmas lights and decorated trees and all that.

I could care less what people think of my house being dark.

I’m also the only person for miles around who lights Hanukkah candles.

longgone's avatar

I wish I was carefree enough to worry about things like that ;)

JLeslie's avatar

It bothers people when someone else doesn’t put up lights? Really? This reminds me of an old Q where a jelly wondered why some people don’t put up lights. I just would never have imagined anyone wondered why or cared if their neighbor didn’t put up Christmas decorations. First, not everyone celebrates Christmas. Second, not everyone has extra money for decorations. Third, not everyone wants to bother to do the work involved. Fourth, the holidays are difficult for some people so they don’t go over the top in any way. Fifth, some people travel out of town during the holidays. And, I’m sure there are other reasons.

Pachy's avatar

So far as I know I’m the sole Jewish resident on my block (proclaimed by a mezuzah on my front door). As such, I’m proud to be just about the only house within view not to have lights, not to mention giant inflated santas and manger scenes, in my yard. Joy to the world!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I don’t care how people decorate for Christmas. I don’t go crazy on the Christmas decorations myself but if someone else does this or nothing at all is fine with me.

Coloma's avatar

Over here we could easily create a real nativity scene. 2 donkeys, horses, cows next door, goats, geese, ducks, chickens. Away in a manger…..

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Never been one to be bothered with outside lights, glad to see others are like me as well.

Coloma's avatar

I actually really like lights but hanging them is a PITA. lol

Buttonstc's avatar

Of course not. Anybody whose overly concerned about their neighbors decorations (or lack thereof) has way too much time on their hands.

This is America where freedom of religion (or none at all) reigns. In addition to some of the religious groups named, there are even some Christian groups who eschew Christmas and other holiday displays (JWs for one).

Everybody is free to do (or not do) as they please. No problems.

cookieman's avatar

I barely notice my neighbors at all. I don’t even know all their names. I’m certainly not gonna have an option on their holiday decorating habits.

Plus, I generally assume they are Jewish. There’s lots of Jewish folk around here. It’s not like it’s uncommon.

filmfann's avatar

It bpthered me when I was a child, but not since.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why would it bother me? And no. We don’t hang lights. In fact, this year I don’t think we’re even going to put a wreath up. We have no money for presents either. I hate Christmas.

LornaLove's avatar

I love Christmas lights, I suspect here though in the UK, we are on average a little more frugal than people in the States? I wish there were more lights around and I also wish I could afford some to put out myself. It’s a pretty dark grim looking neighborhood. (It’s not a bad neighborhood I must stress, in fact I am told it is sought after and decent, just to clarify).

ibstubro's avatar

Not at all.

I would appreciate a neighbor that did not complain about MY lights.

Disclaimer: I have NO lights.
Er. HOLIDAY lights.

jul_ras's avatar

Everyone can choose their own Christmas decoration in my opinion. Within reason ofc

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