What do you think of yourself?
Asked by
Berserker (
December 13th, 2014
When you think of the person you are, do you approve? Are you cool? Do you suck? Do you wish you could change, have you tried?
Or when you think of yourself are you all like, you’re aaaaaaaaaall right ol’ chap!
Everything that makes you you, what you’ve done and become, what you hope to be and do. What do you think of that?
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29 Answers
Overall I really like the woman in the mirror. I like my good natured personality, ( but I can have my pissy, bummed out moments like everybody. ) I like my humor, my creative and curious nature, my ability to appreciate many things, my adaptable and resilient nature and the fact that I have never lied to or otherwise harmed another through deceptive behaviors. What I don’t always like is my lack of self discipline at times. I’m a hedonist at heart, if something is good just kill me with it. haha
Goes with the territory of my personality make up.
Wheres the happy brownies and cheesecake?
Do you enjoy eating opponents with your tail? not sure why but the part where Cell absorbs Android 17 kinda turns me on
I’m satisfied that i’m the best that I can be right now, fuck doubt, shit with regret & bugger negativity.
I would have sex with myself if my penis reached around into my arse, but it don’t quite make it, only rimming…I know, i’ve tried :D
I’m a bit of a funk/depression. My answer is: I am a worthless piece of shit. And that answer makes me sick – it’s so drenched in narcissism. Correction: I’m a narcissistic, worthless piece of shit.
It depends on my mood.
More often than not, I like myself. However, when I don’t like myself, that feeling is overpowering and makes me very insecure. Luckily, it never lasts particularly long.
I am immortal human stuck in an ever expanding universe. reincarnating and time traveling though the life of an average Canadians body . Fascinated with magic and the infinity gauntlet to move on to the future.
I like myself. I’m absolutely fine with who I am. However, and I think my name sums this up, I’m very much an individual. I often feel like an outsider and this isn’t a feeling I see as a negative. I don’t want to be one of the in-crowd.
Despite me feeling this way, people like me. I get on well with others. I’m well regarded by those who know me. Sometimes I’m surprised by the extent to which this is true. I’m just going about my business and living my life being true to me, but people, in most cases, respond well to who I am.
I’m the combination of a lot of people. Sometimes I have control of them, sometimes I don’t. Some people’s experience with me is so different from others that it surprises me. I have a lot of friends as well as antifans. My life is full if contradictions that I have to wonder how they can fit in a single mind.
I used to hate myself for being so different, but now I have come to accept it. I have a lot of weird interests, and as a result I get a lot of unique knowledge that few people of my age have.
I’m ok with myself. I don’t suck too bad, I could be better. I have lots of fun most of the time, and I like to make people smile.
Sure, I approve of myself. If I wanted to be someone else, I would be – what could be stopping me but me? I don’t have much patience for self-loathing or self-pity. There are better things to do with that time.
I would answer, but it would just repeat @dappled_leaves answer.
(What could be stopping me but me?)
I don’t even care. Apparently, only enough to answer this question. And write the sentences. And think about my answer. We are all slaves unto ourselves. Sad, really. Hairless apes walking upright and thinking about ourselves. I’m almost bored to death.
I’ve done all right: grade it a solid B+ to maybe an A-. I’m reasonably physically fit, have a BMI that is dead center of the healthy range, and I can run up a couple of flight of stairs without being winded. I’ve managed to avoid the pitfalls of addiction, drug and alcohol abuse. I have an interesting job I enjoy, and I am financially secure enough to comfortably cover living expenses for the rest of my life.
I do have a few regrets. I should have been bad a little more often.
@tinyfaery With my healthy T-levels, the writing is on the wall for me – sadly the only place I will be hairless is the top of my head.
Everyone likes me but myself lol. I have no idea why, but sometimes I have totally unwarranted self esteem issues. It comes in waves, but it’s probably just because I’m not doing well financially at the moment. I went from being completely independent to needing a lot of help and I just don’t feel adequate enough because of money. After I settle some things, I’ll probably be out there making friends again.
Answering my own shit, I think I pretty much suck, however I hate everything else even more unless it involves the undead, soft things or Vikings. I know myself by my passions and little else because that is what is important to me. The rest is too confusing and I find it hard to find importance to shit I don’t give a fuck about, anyway. My cats and few friends would agree. :) Also this isn’t some emo bullshit, I’m perfectly happy this way.
And thx for your answers gang. :)
I tend to compartmentalize myself.
As a husband and father, I think I’m pretty good, with some significant flaws. I’m devoted, reliable, helpful, and passionate. On the other hand, I could be more patient and calm. I struggle with this.
As a friend or general family member, I basically suck. I’m not proactive about seeing people, or keeping in touch. I never remember birthdays and such. I simply don’t make time for such things. I’m fine, even fun in person — it’s just rare to actually see me in person.
As a professional, I think I’m a generally amazing employee and student, but I have some flaws for sure. I have very little patience for office politics and corporate boobery. What’s worse, is I rarely keep my mouth shut about such things.
Overall, I’m pretty okay. About a C+ if I’m grading.
My opinion of myself changed drastically once I stopped concerning myself with others’ opinions of me, and once I stopped trying to compare myself with societal preferences. I now embrace my introverted, contemplative nature, and am happy to be out-of-the-loop of what’s popular or trendy. If I do something, or buy something, it’s based on how I like it for me – regardless of whether or not it is considered ‘in’ or ‘out’ of popularity.
I also crack myself up, I’m glad I can enjoy my own company and not feel the need to have the constant distraction of TV or other ‘noise’ to get through the day. I actually dislike when I go to a waiting room and there’s a TV playing. I once had a medical receptionist lean out of the window to tell me that there were magazines on the table right next to me – as if I hadn’t seen them there – because she apparently couldn’t fathom someone sitting peacefully in silence, enjoying their own thoughts.
Sure, there’s room for improvement – I wish I had better self-discipline, for example – but in my current position in life, I manage pretty well so I’m not too harsh on myself because of it. Learning and evolving are things I expect to continue for as long as I am breathing.
I accept myself for who I am that includes both my strengths and my weaknesses. I have seen and experienced some of not so good things in life like verbal and physical abuse. I could have chosen to go down the road of drug addiction, I chose not to. Life is full of choices I have made some good ones and some mistakes. I accept that I have turned out to be a decent, empathetic, caring, person who sometimes still messes up and I accept that part of myself too.
@hearkat I am the same. I like silence and can’t stand TV and constant background noise. I also don’t concern myself with others opinions, other than wanting to be sure I am doing my work in a manner that is satisfactory to those I work for.
FWIW, I like you just the way you are. It’s a big deal for me, even if it’s not for you. :)
My particular concern is about the inordinate amount of right place, right time good fortune that has fallen on me for no deserved reason I can ascertain. In view of the many mistakes I’ve made in my lifetime, I sometimes shiver at the thought of one day casually turning a corner to be handed some huge karmic bill.
@stanleybmanly Nah…embrace the good stuff, ride the wave, true, it could break at any moment, so all the more reason to enjoy what you you have now. I have never had a hard time with enjoying good fortune and when my wave was at it’s peak I felt nothing but gratitude.
I used to like myself and I really don’t right now. It seems to be a cycle in my life, of feeling like crap then rising like a phoenix out of the ashes. The ashes seem particularly heavy and difficult right now, but then I guess they always did.
I do like how I never give up though. Although, at times I suspect I have.
@bob_ Yeah but your sandwich challenged. lol
Correction: you’re…bah! haha
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