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Dutchess_III's avatar

If you won $90 million dollars what would you do with it?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) December 14th, 2014

I’d like to think I would:

1) Get completely out of debt. That would take about $150,000, including the house. I’d get the house all fixed up and then give it away to a select single mother.

2) Build a new house across the street from where my son lives, so the grandkids can come over any time.

3) Pay off the houses that two of my kids own (one is $60,000, the other is $50,000), and buy a house for the 3rd, keeping it in the $100,000 range or less.

4) Um….Well, I would quit worrying about money, or the lack of!

5) Rick and I would go to Washington and visit family. He’s never been to that state. We would charter a fishing boat and fish for REAL fish, like Salmon.

6) Then we’d go to Florida and visit my Dad’s wife again, and hang out on the beach. And charter a fishing boat and fish for REAL fish, like Swordfish.

7) Ummm….Well, looks like I still have 89 million dollars left. I guess I’d invest half of that, and live off the returns.

8) I really don’t know what I would do after that!

What would you do?

P.S. Someone on fb shared an article they came across that was titled, “Woman wins $90 million dollars, buys a boring car.” LOL! Yes, she did. My cousin bought a Subaru Forester! I don’t know what she’s done since then. She’s kind of gone underground for some reason! :D

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36 Answers

ucme's avatar

Convert it to pound sterling, roughly £57 million, then consider my next move.

LornaLove's avatar

I’d help out a lot of friends whom I feel need and deserve it. I’d start charities that I felt needed to be started and create employment. I’d also help a lot of charities that I care about now. I’d build programs for uneducated people to get education (in 3rd World economies). I’d also focus a lot on the elderly as elderly people are dear to my heart, those that are left unloved.

Perhaps a charity that focused on making people feel valued after the age of 50. As many at 50 and over, seem to think they are no longer useful in society. So that too would be an educational type of program. Even if it were just to change their thinking, societies thinking and also give grants to them to start their new lives. Because by then we would surely know what we want to do!

I’d make an awesome investment of the money so that it grew and also maintained a certain income for myself because just spending it would be stupid.

gailcalled's avatar

For starters, pay federal and state taxes.

If you end up with 58 million take-home and invest that very conservatively, you’d have a net income stream of $1,450,000 per annum. That’s a lot of fishing trips.

You might want to start college funds for your grandchildren.

ragingloli's avatar

A donation to ISIS?

Coloma's avatar

Retire, buy a new amazing rural property and create my own wildlife haven and then, give away a bunch to help friends and others that could benefit from having a generous benefactor.
Also give generously to animal rescues and maybe fund a low cost vet clinic to help those with pets that have fallen on hard times.

jonsblond's avatar

I would finally be able to afford health insurance for myself.

Edit: and pay all of our medical and dental bills.

anniereborn's avatar

Move to New York and see Broadway shows several times a week. Put a big hunk in the bank to take care of my husband and I if we make to old age and need assistance. Buy out the nursing home my mom lives in and make make a whole new wing for her. Fire all the people that suck and hire the best care for her and all the current residents. Make sure all my siblings and nephews/nieces were set up well, as well as my husband’s family. Get a boob reduction. Hire a personal chef, trainer, psychiatrist/therapist, massage therapist, hair stylist and financial consultant. Hire a cleaning service for all kinds of…well….cleaning. Get an entire new wardrobe. Adopt a couple of dogs. Indoor and outdoor hot tubs. Give to several charities. Buy a trampoline and metal detector, cuz I always have wanted those.

ucme's avatar

Having given it thoughtful consideration, I think i’d best invest in pork bellies then blow the rest on a party for the staff, they do work ever so hard.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would build my dream home and it would look like this.

ucme's avatar

^^ Looks a lot like my gardener’s toolshed.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Improve my life and several other peoples’.

jca's avatar

I would probably go away for a long weekend to clear my head and think about things. I would then start by consulting with a family member who is a CPA/CFP. I would set up funds where the money was sheltered and where I didn’t get raped by the IRS. I would quit my job, travel, and take care of family and friends financially. I have people in my family who are wealthy so they wouldn’t need my cash, but there are some that are not so much so, therefore I would take care of them and take care of some friends, maybe by giving them $200,000 each or something like that. I would also try to set up animal sanctuaries and some non-profits to take care of administration of the sanctuaries.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@jca IRS takes the taxes out before you get it. My cousin’s net was “only” $58 mil.

talljasperman's avatar

I would help produce (PBS) Public Broadcasting Station Nova episodes, and I would make my own science foundation. Also I would eat like a red-neck-king for the rest of my life (KFC and pizza and A&W every day). I would retake all my high school classes and be a career student until I get a Ph.D. in Liberal Arts. Also I would donate Queen sized throw fuzzy blankets to homeless shelters. I would write novels for fun and profit.

jca's avatar

@Dutchess_III: Yes, but when the money sits in the bank, you pay taxes on that too. It’s called “interest income.” Plus I’ll be getting a pension, and I’d pay taxes on that, too.

Coloma's avatar

Here’s my dream ranch. Check out this rare gem. For sale for the 1st time in 113 years!
3000 acres for my wildlife preserve and privacy. haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

I would buy that for you! If I can put dream house on it somewhere.

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’m pretty sure we can find you a beautiful spot somewhere on that 2,291 acres. haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

:D And a tree house? Can I have a tree house? Can I? Can I? Please please please?!!!!

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III Me too…yes, we will call treehouse master guy and he can build us our custom treehouses, but of course! :-D
Oh, it is so fun to fantasize lol

Dutchess_III's avatar

It really is fun!

ragingloli's avatar

treehouses. proof that humans are apes

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ve had the same thoughts Raggy.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I’d spend my days roaming around America. And I’d visit every strip club I found along the way.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

take one great family vacation with kids and grandkids. Give some to my church, set up a college fund for my three grandchildren and divide the rest equally among the family.

talljasperman's avatar

Also I would split it with my mom… we had a deal that we would split any winnings with each other.

Coloma's avatar

Okay…forget the other ranch..this is my new passionate property. This house is amazing! Only about 50 miles from where I live now. Dream on haha

Coloma's avatar

@Dutchess_III I know huh! I’d be thrilled with the guest house. Love that upstairs balcony.

Dutchess_III's avatar

My cousin commented on one of my posts. I’d forgotten we were fb friends because she NEVER posts. Boeing people are kind of paranoid like that. She’s changed her name and has the Grumpy Cat as her avatar. Her page also doesn’t let others post on it. Bless her heart, it’s like she went underground. I hope she’ll open a dialogue with me so I can find out how her and her family is doing.

jca's avatar

@Dutchess_III: Can’t you pm her on FB?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sure. And I did. And she replied. And I asked. I just don’t want her to feel I’m one of the grasping hoards. I mean, Jesus. The instant she found out my sister contacted everyone in her (my cousin’s family) and she was in Washington within 2 days, hanging out.

I replied to her PM and told her Pink Cadillac came on the radio and I was dancing and singing. The he hit, “My love is stronger than a Honda, it’s stronger than a…..” and I lost it! I laughed through the rest of the song!

jca's avatar

I just viewed the ranch video, @Dutchess_III and @Coloma. Not too shabby!

Coloma's avatar

@jca Pretty nice huh? I love log homes. :-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

And tree houses. And horses. I suggested to my cousin that she should buy Whidby Island and kick all the people out and move all our people in. And start a Dairy Farm!

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