Jelly update: will you tell us about yourself?
Asked by
JLeslie (
December 16th, 2014
from iPhone
I don’t think we have had one of these questions recently.
I’ve seen some new jellies around and was hoping we all could get to know each other better.
I’m in my mid 40’s. I’m American. I grew up in the suburbs of NYC and DC. I have a business degree. I’ve also lived in Michigan, Tennessee, North Carolina and Florida. I’m married no kids. Jewish and an Atheist. I like to travel. I’m very interested in medical science. Politically I tend to be socially liberal and fiscally moderate. I am a registered Democrat. I’m a woman, I know my username doesn’t make that obvious. I’m in the midst of my midlife crisis (half joking).
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48 Answers
Can old jellies answer too?
I’m 19. I’m a student of a language college. I’m studying pedagogy. I want to be a teacher and a writer. I have a lot of interests, some of which seem contradictory. I’m not interested in politic and religion. I’m generally sociable and like to make people smile. There are at least three people taking control of my body, so sometimes people have very contradictory opinions about me. I’m an extremist and tend to overreact.
I am L solar cycles.
I am XY
I have a refractive error.
I am a Bayesian.
I prefer to remain somewhat mysterious. You will be able to put the puzzle together by reading my profile page and by the answers I give. Clues will appear. :)
I am the rage and the vile and the voracity.
I am the Prince and the Fallen.
I am the Enemy, I am the Sin and the fear and darkness.
I shall never die.
The thought of me is forever; in the bleeding hearts of men, in their vanity and obsecrate and lust.
Nothing shall ever destroy me.
I am the one & only, nobody i’d rather be
I am the one & only, can’t take that away from me
Call me, call me by my name…
I am 37 years old and my spirit is immortal. I am Roman Catholic and Atheist and Buddhist. I am single and I have no children. I am Canadian white and French. I can’t speak french. I live in Red Deer, Alberta.
Jesus christ none of you can give a straight answer to this can you XDDDD y’all are cracking me up over here.
I’m 22, in college studying computer science, have one semester left. I do comedy, I tutor calculus, and I’m always trying to learn something new. I’m busy and not around Fluther as often as I’d like to be. I have a job lined up for after college that I’m pretty pumped about (though nervous as well). I talk too much about my health problems but those have been on the back burner for a few years now. I’m in a relationship where shit’s starting to get real (real good) and we’re moving in together upon graduation.
@Mariah I gave a straight answer. I thought I was very succinct.
I gave a gay answer, so what of it?
some things I have done (have been), am doing (am now), or would like to do (or be), in no particular order, grandpa, dad, husband, teacher, musician, political activist, military veteran, traveler, retiree, gardener, writer, humorist, student of philosophy, theology (many different views), metaphysics, science, political science, history, geography, economics, biology, humor
My profile pretty much puts it in a nutshell…although I do not live in a nutshell.
Only 10 actual answers, straight or not, at least we fucking bothered :D
I am 58, I think, and I retired a year ago from AT&T. I am a Christian, and I have been married to a deaf woman for 30 years. Politically, I am slightly left of center, but I have some views that are very conservative.
I’m in my late 40’s, female, a single mother of an elementary school age child. I also have some cats, turtles, aquatic frogs and fish. I have been in NY the majority of my life, except for one year in California as a child. I have a BA in History and I work for an organization that represents public employees. I am Presbyterian but I am not particularly religious. I’m pretty much right in the center as far as my political views.
I’m 43. My birthday is ten days past Christmas. Winter is my favorite season.
The first twenty years of my life were spent in California, Arizona and Nevada. The last twenty+ years have been spent in rural Illinois. I met my husband the day after I moved to the Midwest. We married ten months later. We’ve been together for almost 24 years and we have 3 children.
I’m usually quiet and sensitive, but I shine when I have a good moment. I blush easily. I was always picked last for kickball in grade school. My classmates underestimated me. They didn’t know this quiet girl had a mean kick.
I’m loyal. I’m always tired. I’d rather be outdoors.
Hi, my name is Susan & I will take a dare <giggles>
I did give an actual answer.
So, before my post on the amount of answers there were 12 responses, 2 of which were defending their position, leaving, as stated, 10 “actual” answers…simples
Turning the big 55 Dec. 26th. Been a Fluther regular for almost 5 years this coming March. My real name is “Laurie.”
I have lived on rural properties in the Sierra Nevada foothills near Lake Tahoe and Reno for the last 23 years and love country mountain living. I’m a nature and animal nut, love humorous people, am extroverted but have a very quiet and solitary side as well.
I’d rather be in nature than in any city, but enjoy travel.
I am very happily divorced now for 12 years after decades of marriage and have an awesome 27 yr. old daughter that is even more artsy and creative than I am. I love art, interior design, gardening, cats, geese, horses and am a bohemian hippie cowgirl type. Pass the Happy brownies and lets sit on the porch for awhile and watch the geese and horses frolic.
I’ve had a recent brush with death. Where euphoria, humbleness, gratefulness and forbearance were my dominant characteristics. That has since subsided.. I have found a brilliant doctor who saved my life when most doctors were recommending hospice and changing my living will to accept a and quick death. I am insanely grateful and have come far. But I am not known for my patience or for my abilities at leaning on others. So I struggle mentally somewhat.
I’m a passionate moderate. Spiritual but not religious. Pretty but an introvert though that doesn’t imply I am shy or a doormat. I am in love with learning and am an autodidact of sorts, though I do love fiction… it is all about balance after all.
I am completely against GMO’s and am interested in becoming a nutritionist. Voracious reader. Creative, free spirited not buckled down rarely see things completely through. Herbs and spices vinegars and cooking have current sway over my creative bug.
My investigations and experiences have led me to distrust western medicine and to lean more on naturopathy, allopathy or homeopathy whatever you want to label it,,, Voodoo and witchcraft my doctors say….... Too bad I get better results from the quackery then the monkey like technicians scared to open their eyes and connect the dots..
Animal and nature lover. Cats are probably my favorite pet. My resourcefullness comes from being lower middle class to all out poor living in the bush of Alaska. You learn to make do…
@unbroken At least with naturopathy and homeopathy you’re not just treating symptoms!
would you like a homeopathic vodka? *hands you a glass of water
@Yetanotheruser Yep, you’re sure not treating symptoms with naturopathy or homeopathy!
I’ve been told that I’m extremely cynical by a vast number of people over the years. So, I will accept that and declare it official. I am registered independent. I would be more than happy to tell you why.
^^^ and you like to decorate with Star Wars figurines. lol
@Coloma Is there any other way? Well, I do alternate with PEZ dispensers.
I’m in my mid-twenties and trying (read: failing) to get my master’s in speech therapy. I live in the midwest and I’m single and childless.
I rarely disscuss politics but am moderate. I used to have hobbies and interests but don’t really anymore.
I don’t like to travel and prefer home to any of the world’s wonders.
I am Vampire. That’s all that needs to be said.
@Mastema I’ve always wanted to ask a real vampire… Being an “undead,” aren’t you technically a zombie? I mean, vampires are dead, right? Although they do seem to have more cognitive awareness than zombies do. If that is so and there are in fact varying subclasses of zombie kind, would Vampires be the leaders simply by having more awareness? Or, are zombies simply similar in some respects but not necessarily in the same category.
@DWW25921 thank you for the inquiry. To start off with as well as put to bed, zombies do not exist.
Sorry to disappoint.
@Mastema I’m more relieved than disappointed. Are your people from the vista-goth region of Dacia as legend holds? Do you find the current influx of poorly made vampire crap on television lately annoying? Do you consider your people to be benevolent or aggressive while dealing with others?
I am what I am and that’s all that I am.
@Jaxk Like Popeye the Sailor Man (Toot-toot)!
To answer your question further, you and I share well, mostly everything regarding emotion, peer pressure, skills, feelings, etc. You may do some things better than I. “My people” are from different areas of the lands, like yourself. Ancestors of the Vampire clans are from different places. Mine come from Scotland. Television and society’s envision of Vampires do not annoy me. Sure, they’re overly dramatic and more interesting than it actually is but, in general it’s the same backbone of what makes me, me. Blood. I train hard. My physical shape is superior to the average man. My mental awareness is astonishing all while my IQ is less than genious assumingly like yours. Sorry if you are in the upper classmen of IQ.
As for your last question that feels more like a statement, I find myself more aggresive and generally always have control of every situation I’m involved in. I only follow when it will lead me to what I want. Hope this answers some aspects.
Interesting. Dacia was a trick question as Vampires are in fact a very Northern European anomaly. Although Scandinavians did invade that region (Dacia) their tales of lore and blood come from their homeland, not Eastern Europe. It’s interesting that you mentioned Scotland. What do you know of Inverness?
I know very little to nothing about Inverness other than it’s a city in Scotland. I’ve never been to Scotland. Why do you ask?
Right now Coloma looks like a bag lady. Tye dye dress, knee high purple socks, jammy pants and a sweat jacket. Pulling on my pink and brown cowboy boots to go clean the horses stalls. Hope I don’t spook ‘em. haha
The beauty of rural living, no dress code. lol
@Mastema It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.
@jca I have this habit of typing fast and not paying attention to syntax. (sigh)
@ica @Mastema
I’ve got egg on my face and no one called me on it… The origins of the blood culture were long before the civil war so they would have just been “Goths” (I didn’t think that through before I said it.) In fact, by the time the Vista and Ostro Goths split up they (Ostros) were largely catholic and didn’t hold to many of their more ancient Scandinavian traditions. There were however holdouts that fought the Romans and Catholicism bitterly (Vista’s). Some say that the Vampires are a small sub sect of ancient vikings that combined regional slavic traditions into their own. I even read an article that stated that “Vampire” Goths are the Goths that raided Rome on the way to Spain. (Probably not true as the vampires were Vista’s.) A lot of aspects of ancient history can only be speculated upon at this point. Vampires are a real people group nonetheless, similar in origin to the gypsy people, believe it or not, who were (and still are) scattered as a result of being eventually defeated by the Western Roman Empire. Anyway, to simplify, “Vampires” are basically an orthodox sect of an ancient scandinavian belief that involved purifying oneself through various sacrificial traditions.
Disclaimer: There are as many vampire origin stories as there are trees on earth. Everyone has different theories, I came across mine after a lot of study and consideration of many underlying factors. Initially, years ago, I actually started research to debunk Vampires as a myth but there does appear to be historical evidence that they existed as a part of the Visigoth tribe and I’ve found references to their existence by way of legends from greece over to spain and along to coast and even up to Inverness… Anyway, I did the best I could with this!
@Symbeline They still are, we just call them “Romanians” now.
@DWW25921 Romanians, hm. This reminds me that the Romanians who know and care about their history are often disgusted and insulted with what the media and entertainment has turned one of their historical figures into. (count dracula)
Also, Roma, not Gypsy. To the Rom the word gypsy is like calling black people niggers.
Grew up in Oregon, joined the navy after high school and just left almost ten years later after having some great adventures and working hard.
I work in a restaurant in Colorado now and I’m way happier but I am poor, although it won’t be as bad soon because I’m about to get rid of a car payment for good.
This restaurant where I work is pretty awesome. They started me off way above minimum wage and gave me raises totaling $1.50 within 5 months. I’m not bragging but I did work my butt off so I think I deserve it.
Although I’m currently in a moral bind because I left my ex of 4+ years to come here and now I really want her back. I may or may not move back to the east coast to be with her next year, I really don’t know.
I want to tell myself I’ll just find another woman, but I specifically want her so I don’t know what to do. Now that I’ve made it to CO, I see how amazing it is and I can’t picture myself anywhere else even if it is for love. Geez this is hard.
I will be banned, or terminate myself with extreme prejudice, before 2015 has expired.
<———- I have a 22 lb. monster cat named “Myles” AKA “The Monster man.” lol
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