What are some UFO sighting stories you know, either your own or ones you've heard?
I’m curious about UFO sighting stories, having just heard one from a friend of mine.
She and her husband saw a small gray “cloud” in the distance that didn’t match the other clouds around it while driving through Nevada last week. The cloud seemed to be undulating and within a minute or two, the cloud disappeared, but then became like a vague, transparent oval shape. It moved from a far off distance and came towards their car. It traveled in a path parallel to the road and passed the car close to the road, going in the opposite direction, about 40–60 feet high. Only her husband and her could see it—the other occupants in the car looked straight at it but didn’t see anything.
She’s insistent that something was there. I’m intrigued. Any other sighting stories?
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Not quite that good, but I was driving through middle of nowhere New Mexico at night and saw three pale green lights in the sky in front of me. I initially thought they were something reflecting off the windshield, because I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but they didn’t seem “right” for aircraft. They weren’t bright, and they weren’t as localized as what you normally see on aircraft. It was kind of like the lights were inside a frosted glass container.
It definitely wasn’t something reflected on the windshield because they continued on their path even when mine changed a bit, and eventually we were more to the side of them. It also was more than one object because they changed orientation a bit as they continued. They were high, but not aircraft high and it wasn’t just a light through clouds because it was really steady intensity and a fairly clear night.
They didn’t strike me as otherworldly or anything like that. Just odd and I really don’t have any explanation. I joked with my wife it must be blimps with glowsticks inside.
I worked with a a business executive who commissioned a painting to show the UFO he saw as a young man in Long Island.
He is a smart guy. But I never believed he saw aliens. I don’t believe UFOs are alien spaceships.
I just attribute it to the same impulse as religion. People want to believe nonsense.
The Atztec Incident seems a mysterious case! Scott and Suzanne Ramsey have done a lot of research on it!
I once saw this red light shining in the sky at night, trailed by a series of white, sparkling lights that appeared to be cascading from the rear, as if powering the craft, somehow.
It was xmas eve & I was ten, don’t know if that has any bearing on my sighting, but there you have it.
In the summer, usually at a July 4th party, (and when the wind it right), we light a few Sky Lanterns and set them free to float out over Lake Ontario. They drift for miles.The color varies depending upon the paper used: yellow, red, green, light blue, orange. You can get them from Phantom or Sandusky Fireworks . They are quite popular here.
Warning! These are not recommended for areas prone to fire – or excitable neighbors.
I live in a small city in Australia. I saw, over the course of s couple nights , a really bright light moving in a way that even a helicopter couldn’t . It was like someone, faraway , turning a flash light in circles really fast. Then, right outside my house, I watched this with interest, one grew brighter and brighter and then poof! Disappeared.
In 2004 I was traveling in the Mt. Shasta area on my way to a friends Lake Almanor cabin for a weekend. I was completely alone on the Volcanic Legacy scenic byway when a strange violet colored elongated light appeared out of nowhere at dusk and “followed” me for about 10 miles. It then just evaporated and was gone. Pretty bizarre.
This is the area, many sppoky stories about Mt. Shasta and aliens. haha
I once saw a strange white object flying around. It had a really long smoke trail.
Did not want to take any chances, so I blew it up with my lazor.
Later reports claimed that it was called “challenger”.
Lazor must be a German acronym for something…
1999 I saw a big black triangle float by, looked like a huge football field sized shadow that blocked out the stars, completely silent.
Winter 2012 I observed a light in the sky I initially thought was an airplane or satellite. The light slowed down, changed direction – making a fish hook pattern, and as it rounded the curve it shot off like a shooting star.
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