General Question

longgone's avatar

Should I be giving presents to the kids I babysit?

Asked by longgone (19875points) December 20th, 2014

I get gifts from their families (chocolate or inexpensive bath stuff from the one, but a theatre ticket from the other, last year). I feel closer to the family that gave me the ticket, and would be leaning toward giving them something. The child, at least. Trouble is, the boys are in the same class. They’d talk about it.

The kids are nine, ten and five.

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8 Answers

tedibear's avatar

I think that if you give to one child/family, you should give to both. Especially if you know that the kids will talk about what they received from you.

longgone's avatar

^ That, definitely.

DWW25921's avatar

I think a box of PEZ dispensers could solve your dilemma. They’re cheap and they always go over well. Yes, everybody get one.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

You can’t play favourites with children. All or none. If you regularly look after these children, buying them each a very small present would be nice, but if that’s going to be a financial burden, buy none of them a present and perhaps buy each family a small token. Some choccies, flowers or something or make them something – some flavoured popcorn or cookies perhaps.

bomyne's avatar

I think that if you know you’ll be getting gifts from them, it’s a good idea to return the favour.

It doesn’t have to be anything expensive. A box of chocolate, for example. A pack of trading cards if the child is into that. It’s the thought that counts. :)

LuckyGuy's avatar

You can get a stack of inexpensive children’s books and give them out one each.
Hot Wheels cars are still appreciated by kids and they only cost about $1.00. I don’t know how but 25+ years later my “kids” still remember who gave them many of their cars.

ragingloli's avatar

Maybe something for the parents, but the kids, definitely not.

ibstubro's avatar

I would get the kids an inexpensive gift each, but more because I like to give gifts than out of any sense of obligation.

Maybe you could give them each a $5 and make a trip to the Dollar store a part of a baby-sit. Kids love useless, inexpensive crap if they get to choose it themselves. :)

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