Christmas day, magical or horrific or just plain boring?
Asked by
LornaLove (
December 22nd, 2014
I’m not a fan of Christmas, to me it brings up old hurts, new ones and the isolation I feel becomes magnified.
Having said that, I have really tried this year to make Christmas special. Would you care to share your Christmas days plans? The good, the bad and the ugly.
The more details the better. Either way I’d really love to hear how see your day panning out, even if you think Christmas sucks, or not. You might be having a massive turkey with ten guests or you might have opted for a burger and TV.
For those of you that love Christmas, how long did you spend preparing, would you care to share the magic?
and for die hard lovers or haters of Christmas day perhaps you could share your best or worst Xmas day ever!
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13 Answers
Killing snowmen, ice fishing, maybe drawing some porn.
I have not drawn any porn in a year.
We start with a large family breakfast of bacon and egg gravy. Next we open gifts, then we all go to the movies. The rest of the day is spent snacking and talking.
@filmfann That is a different approach I love it! May I ask what egg gravy is?
Crimbo Day is cool, but I prefer Boxing Day.
Much more relaxed & the football is back on :)
My wife and her crew will be working Christmas day. I’ll smoke a turkey on the grill, put together some garden vegetables, and deliver a home-cooked mid-day meal. That’s it for the 25th.
Our extended family will get together on Jan 3 to exchange gifts. Christmas? Bah humbug.
We actually did Christmas on Saturday. My mom came up from Eugene and slept here Friday night. On Saturday we went to my sisters house. It was just my sister, mom, sisters twins, sisters son (my roommate), and Matt (sisters sexual partner)
We showed up about a hour before dinner. My sister was surprisingly mellow. My sister is normally a mess when she does holiday things.
After we ate I went out on the back porch for a smoke and managed to fall asleep under the picnic table (it was raining). Apparently I was out for a few hours. Opened gifts. Matt drove me and Corey home and we went out to a bar for a couple of tall-boys of Rainer.
I do have tons of leftovers. I am swimming in Turkey and mashed potatoes and rolls.
Well, this Christmas is turning into a bust. Just didn’t have the money so I imagine it will be like any other day. Maybe we’ll go out for dinner or something.
Ours are pretty special. The whole family gathers at my mother’s house, for a good meal and lots of talk. Typically the TV is left off and we all sit around the big table and visit. The presents aren’t that big of a deal, other than for the little ones.
Christmas Day is still special for me even if I am on my own. I have put up the Christmas tree and will watch television. I won’t have anything very special to eat but I may have a can of beer. I will take calls from close family members and I may go for a walk. I have spent a fair bit of time cleaning the flat for visitors who will come after Christmas Day and on buying presents. That’s about it.
When I was little, it was magical.
As an adult, it didn’t have any particular traditions. Mostly visiting parents and family with gifts. As a parent now, I try to make it fun for the child and she enjoys herself immensely. For me, it’s ok. Visiting family, bringing gifts. Lots of stress leading up to Christmas, trying to work and shop and get everything done, and it’s never done the way I’d like it to be. Ideally I’d take about a week off in mid-December and get stuff done, but with a child, we tend to save time for when the child is off of school, so that’s after Christmas, when shopping, wrapping, baking and decorating are no longer so important as they are before Christmas.
Had a nice chrissy dinner with my kids and their dad. Lots of leftovers. I am working Christmas day and Boxing Day. Then I have January off and it’s all about the beach.
Didn’t celebrate Christmas as a kid but my former husband had been raised Anglican so we came up with our own family rituals.
Christmas eve we would light a fire and eat a snacky type supper with drinks in front of it. The kids would go to bed and we would put out one gift for them “from Santa” on the hearth. When they had gotten to be teenagers it was harder to do since they were often up later than us! Even in his twenties my younger son would get up in the night and go down to find his present.
Christmas morning we’d have a big cooked breakfast and then wait for my brother-in-law to come over. We never had a tree but when he came we’d all bring our piles of presents down and start exchanging them. We’d have cookies and drinks then and sometimes my parents would come over. We’d draw it out for quite a long time.
When that was done, we put the turkey or roast in the oven and then go out for a walk in a park. We’d come back and cook the rest of the dinner and eat it, then talk and play games. It was a pretty magical day!
Now that my kids are dispersed and my Ex has just remarried, it is pretty hard not to be down. I’m pulling myself along by making plans with friends and just got invited to close friends who are caterers for dinner. Will also take a walk on the boardwalk with another friend.
I’ll be ok – but I miss those family times!
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