Will you go see "The Interview"?
Asked by
filmfann (
December 23rd, 2014
Sony has changed its mind, and will show the picture at 300 theaters starting Christmas day.
Are you worried about repercussions?
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41 Answers
Yes, I’m not letting the bastards win.
Of course. I’ve always wanted to see it, even before the whole hacker debacle.
inb4 hordes of plebs come in here and try to act like they’re above the movie. Cinema died after The Seventh Seal, get over it.
I’ll download it when it comes out on DVD, but I don’t really go to theaters unless it’s some “epic” movie like Interstellar (beast mode). That shyt was crazy!
Not worried about the repercussions, not expecting much of the film. I think it’s sad that people have been conned into thinking that seeing this film is… what, patriotic? Brave? Not letting “the terrorists” (whoever they are) win?
This film was not on many people’s radar until the media whipped them into a Freedom™ frenzy. Marketing win, I guess.
No. I think it was sheer stupidity to make this “comedy” about assassinating the sitting leader of an enemy company in the first place, and as little as I cared to see it before, I care even less to see it now.
Why? I have no idea what the heck it is. I guess I will have to wait until friends go see it first.
Yes. And taking all of my friends and family.
I wouldn’t avoid it if it were my kind of movie, but it never piqued my interest.
I probably wouldn’t see it before all the nonsense. Now, I feel like it’s a patriotic thing.
The funny thing is the closest theater to me is in Red Bluff. I swear! You can’t make this stuff up.
I’d rather sleep sit through Titanic again.~
Yes, I will, although not this weekend. I like Seth Rogen and James Franco.
Yes I need a good laugh! I probably would not be interested in the movie if Korea didn’t make such a big deal about it. I can’t wait to see it now.
I’ll go but not on Christmas day. Too busy. Probably on a weekday at 9 AM. I hope the thing sets sales records
No, because it looks shit & i’m not going to jump on the sheep train just to see what all the fuss was about.
No. I do not watch crap just because of controversy caused by an inside job publicity stunt.
Sitting in the cinema watching an unfunny film that’s trying way too hard to be cool while a buncha dim-witted yanks whoop & holler their approval of some half-arsed, warped sense of patriotism…my idea of hell.
Probably. But not this weekend.
My plan is to see Fury.
No but I will rent it at some future point. not a reflection on the movie, I do this with the vast majority of shows that come out
Not sure if I’ll see it in a movie theater. I reserve that for bigger highly visual films like The Hobbit movies. But I will spend money to see it one way or the other. Hope it makes quite a profit to show those hacking bastards. lol
Nope. Never planned on seeing it. After sitting through that end of the world film they did together, I won’t waste my money. I like Seth Rogan and I like James Franco…just not together. Too much stupid funny for me.
I’m glad they’re releasing it, though. I’ll be in the theater this weekend, so I’m clearly not too worried about an attack.
No, but only because I don’t like stoner movies.
Not unless I hear it’s good.
Certainly nothing here that makes me want to see this ill-conceived thing.
No it is not one of my, must see movies.
No. I’m just not a fan of Seth Rogan’s work.
I had no intention of seeing it before all this fuss so that’s that.
No, but just because I don’t go to the movies.
On the one hand, it crossed my mind to go because of the ‘patriotic’ angle.
Um, Sony is Japanese owned.
On the other hand, how hard would it have been to change the name [only] of the country/leader to something fictitious?
I go to the movies when someone tells me “that was such a great movie! You have to see it!” When I hear that about this movie, I’ll go. I would love to go just for the sake of showing the commies that they lose, but I don’t have time to sacrifice just to make points.
You betcher fuckin’ bibby I’m gonna go see it!
Here’s my misshin’ details:
1. Put bootleg copy of Interview in plastic bag and swallow it.
2. Take Air China flight to Pyongyang.
3. Get motel on Mousey Tongue Bullavard.
4. Put on suicide bomber vest.
5. Watch movie a FULL volume!
6. Blow up commie cops when they raid my room- I’ll show them what freedumb’s all about! ’-D
I just saw that the shit film has an imdb rating of 9.4.
Are the nationalist drones really that dumb and gullible?
Isn’t imdb run by random fans, or they collect fan reviews from other places? Or something like that.
The terrorists have won.
Another unfunny Seth Rogan film is going to be inflicted on the world.
I was hoping that some of the people that actually watched the movie would post in.
@Pachy Thank you. Shan’t waste the money!
My Son-In-Law rented the movie, and it was another Seth Rogan movie.
If you like him, you will like this. If he annoys you, you won’t change your opinion with this film.
That’s what I figured. I just had a hunch that he was running true to form.
I think it’s really unfortunate for the cause of patriotism that this dimwitted film is becoming a barometer for it.
The little Korean despot would have been much better off ignoring this film entirely (as many are choosing to do) because when all is said and done, he just ends up looking even more foolish.
Would I go to see “The Interview”?
If “The Interview” came to me would I watch it?
Probably not.
Too many proven movies I haven’t seen.
So far the only review I’ve heard is it’s “juvenile.” So I certainly won’t pay money to see it.
Just paid to see the movie to show those hackers. So now I say to them, YOU CAN’T DICTATE WHERE AND HOW I WASTE MY MONEY-!!! : )
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