Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Were these guys wrong to bring their dog to a crowded family Christmas get together?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) December 26th, 2014

So, one of Rick’s cousins, and his cousin’s wife, brought their dog, who I had never met before, to the Christmas gathering. It was a big dog, half boxer and half blood hound. He was really skittish and barked at people in the beginning. He seemed especially wary of me, for some reason, and would jump away when I walked by. I was just certain he was going to get scared enough to bite someone. When I walked by I kept expecting a bite on my leg or something. We had considered taking 3 of our grand kids, age 1 – 7 with us, but now I’m glad we didn’t. I don’t know what that dog would have done around small children, especially since the only dogs they’ve been around tolerated the unintentional “abuse” the 1 year old would put on them…pulling ears, tails etc, until she was caught. She was used to a big dog that she could walk up to and wrap her arms around and kiss.

After several hours he was more chill, his tail wasn’t tucked under his butt any more, and his ears finally came up. I actually felt comfortable enough to feed him a bit of ham. However, Rick’s cousin said the dog would “never bite,” and told him to put a bit of cracker between his (Rick’s) lips and see how gently the dog would take it. I thought he was nuts, but Rick took him up on it. The dog did take it quite gently but…...IDK.

I was kind of upset because the little dog that lived there ended up peeing on the floor because the bigger dog growled at him. He hid under the bed for the rest of the time.

What are your thoughts on this?

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18 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Should have asked first and discussed it with you!

jca's avatar

He should have asked the host. I don’t think you were the host, @Dutchess_III, correct? Maybe he did ask the host.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I wasn’t the host. My 91 year old FIL was the “host.” Of course, everyone else did all the work. Myself, I would have NEVER brought such a dog to a crowded gathering. We could take Dakota, and be confident that all would be fine. She’d just lay somewhere and wait for people to pet her. The wost she would do is to gaze up at people who are eating, with her beautiful, intelligent brown eyes, politely asking for a bite. However, I just wouldn’t presume to take her.

jca's avatar

@Dutchess_III: Do you know if the owner of the dog asked?

I wouldn’t take a dog like that either. I am assuming the owner felt like he had no choice for some reason. Maybe it wasn’t practical to leave the dog outside (like maybe they don’t have a fenced in yard) and he would be away long enough that the dog would have to go to the bathroom, and they had nobody that could take care of the chore while they were away.

I love dogs but it’s for that reason that I don’t have them. I know too many people with dogs who have to go home at intervals to walk them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, I don’t know if they asked. I just know that I was really uncomfortable until the dog settled down. I was certain he was going to bite someone! And he probably will some day. Scared, skittish dogs do that kind of stuff.

His other cousin also brings their dog, but it’s a little dog and good natured.

JLeslie's avatar

Well, I don’t even like going to someone’s house who has a dog on the loose, so I can only imagine a dog in someone else’s house. I hope he asked permission.

If he didn’t ask I think it us completely awful to show up with a dog. If he did ask I think the host and the dog owner should know better than to bring a dog to a party.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree. Especially one as big and powerful as that one was.

jca's avatar

Especially with kids around.

If it’s a big dog but calm, maybe ok, or if it’s running a lot, that’s ok too, but if it’s a big jumping dog, I find it annoying.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It was worse than any of that. He was obviously scared and skittish. But he didn’t jump on anyone.

JLeslie's avatar

If I’m at a party I probably have on clothes that I really don’t want to risk around a dog. Forget that I already am not keen on dogs in the first place.

jca's avatar

@JLeslie; Dribbling dogs with their mucousy noses. Add that to the annoying list.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Uh, yeah. Part bloodhound. He had the drool thing going on. Ish!

Dutchess_III's avatar

The thing that is so annoying is that that particular couple think they’re all that. They think they’re just smarter than everyone else and just better than everyone else. People like that tend to break the most obvious social mores because they’re special, and above all of that.

But boy, if someone else does it, they’re all whispering behind their backs about what an idiot they are and stuff.

JLeslie's avatar

Don’t even talk about hypocrisy, because my Inlaws have so much of it, and I just got through spending several days with them. I could ramble on about that, but it’s so unrelated to the Q I won’t.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You can if you want to. It’ll keep the thread alive.

JLeslie's avatar

I probably shouldn’t, because it’s too risky online. It’s like airing too much dirty laundry. Their hypocrisies aren’t about dogs, they are about personalities, cheating, money, and more.

ragingloli's avatar

I really hate people that bring their dog to parties.
I am planning this party right now, and I have already invited all sorts of people, including one of my best mates, Freddy.
And I thought, oh, well if were having Freddy, I have got to invite Daphne and Velma as well.
Those three are absolutely priceless. Especially when Velma does her losing her glasses routine.
It just kills me. Why does she not get contacts? Might be a lesbian thing.
Anyway, then I got a thought.
If I invite Freddy, Daphne and Velma, there is a chance they will bring that other one, the scrawny one. The one that does not wash, and of whom I do not even know the name.
I mean, he calls himself Shaggy, but I certainly do not believe that is his name. I think it is some kind of hollow sexual boast, as if he is desperately trying to present himself as some sort of stud, despite being quite ugly and incredibly cowardly. The last time I saw him, he was literally shaking and he spent most of the evening scampering up and down a very long corridor that had to be there.
Well, that is certainly no way to make people have sex with you, but maybe I am being harsh on him. I mean he is so thin and he is always shaking. He is probably in the throes of some gritty smack battle. Might as well just ask him along. I mean how much harm can he do…Although.

There is a chance, just a small one, that he might bring his dog.
Usually people do not bring their dogs to parties, but Shaggy does. If anyone is going to bring a dog to anything, he is going to bring his dog to this.
He treats that dog like it is a person, it is creepy. I think that dog must have been mistreated in the past, it is incredibly nervous. I remember that Halloween party that Shaggy was at. Every time a new person came in, dressed as a ghost or whatever, the dog would have an absolute fit, make the most unnatural noises and jump into Shaggy’s arms. I was convinced it was going to shit everywhere.
Well, that is not the worst of it. I remember Jodie, her dad owns that disused fair ground. Well, I was just popping into the kitchen for some more rice, and who should I find, but Shaggy and his dog, assembling the two tallest sandwiches I have ever seen.
They had a freak out before they could eat it, though, and I think it is cruel to make a dog eat that.
I think Shaggy must be very bitter, because he has obviously invested a lot of time in teaching that dog to talk and it just ca not. I mean, maybe he thought he was going to get it on ‘That’s Life’ or something, but its just not happened.
Which is a pity really because of course the dog’s nephew, also a dog, a little puppy, actually talks very well.
I have met that little dog and it actually speaks very good English. It is also quite a lot braver, if a little impetuous, but I think you have got to forgive that of a talking dog.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am just laughing my butt off right now!! Thank you @ragingloli!

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