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Were these guys wrong to bring their dog to a crowded family Christmas get together?
So, one of Rick’s cousins, and his cousin’s wife, brought their dog, who I had never met before, to the Christmas gathering. It was a big dog, half boxer and half blood hound. He was really skittish and barked at people in the beginning. He seemed especially wary of me, for some reason, and would jump away when I walked by. I was just certain he was going to get scared enough to bite someone. When I walked by I kept expecting a bite on my leg or something. We had considered taking 3 of our grand kids, age 1 – 7 with us, but now I’m glad we didn’t. I don’t know what that dog would have done around small children, especially since the only dogs they’ve been around tolerated the unintentional “abuse” the 1 year old would put on them…pulling ears, tails etc, until she was caught. She was used to a big dog that she could walk up to and wrap her arms around and kiss.
After several hours he was more chill, his tail wasn’t tucked under his butt any more, and his ears finally came up. I actually felt comfortable enough to feed him a bit of ham. However, Rick’s cousin said the dog would “never bite,” and told him to put a bit of cracker between his (Rick’s) lips and see how gently the dog would take it. I thought he was nuts, but Rick took him up on it. The dog did take it quite gently but…...IDK.
I was kind of upset because the little dog that lived there ended up peeing on the floor because the bigger dog growled at him. He hid under the bed for the rest of the time.
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