Meta Question

SQUEEKY2's avatar

In your opinion what kind of question would spark lots of answers?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23514points) December 28th, 2014

And lots of debate?
I don’t want to start a flame war, and love to keep it civil, but want everyone to add their two cents to it as well.

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28 Answers

ucme's avatar

A depressed, argumentative jew who dreamt of a nose stuck up their vagina while hosting an imaginary party in a pretend mansion filled with mostly demented jellyfish…does he love me & could I be pregnant?

Mimishu1995's avatar

Questions that are “original” and personal, being strangely worded or having interesting ideas.

Questions that concerns about the latest or hot topics.

Controversial questions that are worded in a way that make an impression that the OPs have some prejudice (the effect may be doubled if the OPs are new)

Any kind of questions, as long as the OPs participate actively and try to dismiss everyone’s opinion in an arrogant/harsh way (again, it helps more if the OPs are new)

Any kind of questions, as long as at one point someone posts something and others disagree then an argument breaks out.

Some game threads.

Berserker's avatar

Religion, politics, Fluther moderators and underwear color.

ibstubro's avatar

The more open the question is to ridicule and speculation, the more the activity. Fluther has gotten to the point that there are a large percentage of members that will only participate in a negative light. Many people are here simply to find fault and chat amongst themselves.

Questions that would have once been removed because there are errors or insufficient information now blossom. The most popular question would be whatever generated the most snark among the old guard, ensuring that even more newbies are confused and put off. The tidepool is ever more brackish.

Questions that once would have generated thoughtful discourse usually die within a few hours.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ibstubro sadly I think your correct.

ibstubro's avatar

What great fun to pour over every question with the goal of proving your superior intellect by pointing out the use of “to” instead of “too” on a question that is otherwise obviously passionate and and well thought out.

prairierose's avatar

Just through observation I agree with @ibstubro a lot of questions turn into a judgment of or ridicule of either the asker or someone else on the thread. Not everyone sees or lives life the same way and it is indeed off putting to see some users who seem to think they have all the correct answers because they don’t. Sometimes there is no correct answer just different view points. Far be it for me to set in sanctimonious self-righteous and tell others that they and their ideas are pure crap. I have no idea what another person has been through in life and will not judge others for that reason. I really wish other people would do the same, cut others a bit of slack and most of all be kind to one another.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ibstubro And boy do they ever feel that they MUST point out a wrong (too) or ask for clarity when absolutely everyone else understood what the asker was saying.
If the question is not to their liking then they seem to feel the need to attack the question or the asker in any way they can.

ucme's avatar

Best to ignore the demented, or do as I do & take the almighty piss outta them, very funny to watch them twist & turn like a twisty turny thing.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ucme I must admit sometimes you are very good at doing just that. :o)

ucme's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Shake it up baby now…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Questions about sexual orientation.

Also, some of the most mundane questions get a zillion answers and I don’t know why.

ibstubro's avatar

It’s sad you arrived so late, @prairierose. You likely would have really liked the fluther of a year ago. The same snark(er)s as now offset by dozens of nice, earnest members trying to answer question, make new members welcome, and have some fun.

The apex.

End result? A social site for the grammar police. Losing ground by the hour.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I think I’m guilty of derailing the thread sometimes. I get too focused on arguing to keep the responses on-topic. I guess I’m one of the ones who are contributing to what @ibstubro said too.

ibstubro's avatar

Not really, @Mimishu1995, and not at all in the last few weeks I know of. Model citizen. :-)

longgone's avatar

@ibstubro You know I like you…but I don’t agree with that assessment at all. At the moment, your posts are making Fluther much less of a fun place, by continually announcing its last days.

stanleybmanly's avatar

My knee jerk reaction to this question was that just as everywhere else it’s the prurient topics that get all the steam here, but after a little thought, I’m surprised to conclude that that isn’t so. When I think about it, the topics which seem to garner large levels of response and discussion are controversial issues which spring up from current events (think Trayvon Martin or Obamacare).

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Very true @stanleybmanly especially Obamacare, the right sure has done a bang-up job convincing most Americans that universal health care that everyone can afford is Baaaaad and private health care that the low wage earners can’t afford is Gooood.
I just don’t get it, you would think you would want to keep your wage slaves healthy,but then again they probably breed fast enough that it doesn’t matter if you lose a few.

jonsblond's avatar

I agree with @longgone. I’ve been here for 6 years now and the only difference between years past and now is the amount of people who show up to answer and ask questions. There were rude and snarky users in December 2008 when I joined. I had my grammar and spelling corrected and I didn’t get my panties in a bunch. I actually learned from the mistakes that were pointed out to me. Imagine that.

Fluther has gotten to the point that there are a large percentage of members that will only participate in a negative light.

Fluther hasn’t gotten to this point. It’s always been like this, except I wouldn’t say it’s a large percentage. These members just happen to be loud and all over the place. It’s the same wherever you go on the internet to express your opinion. Fluther isn’t unique.

Berserker's avatar

@ibstubro Fluther has gotten to the point that there are a large percentage of members that will only participate in a negative light.

If that’s all you notice perhaps you’re the one who sees things in a negative light. There are a lot of good vibes and positivity going on. Negativity too, yes, it happens…but I disagree that it happens enough to define the majority of Fluther.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Symbeline but we do have a few of those who showed up relatively recently. :( I wouldn’t say it’s a “large percentage,” but since membership has declined so drastically, they can feel like a large percentage.

Questions that will get a lot of answers include questions that mention:
Food Stamps

jonsblond's avatar

@Symbeline I agree. I think Fluther has a great vibe now due to most of the flamers being gone. imo

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ah but don’t you miss the passion of a good ole flame out?

Dutchess_III's avatar

About had one on my truck thread!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

ME like trucks! :)

jonsblond's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 only when I’m observing. Not when I’m the target of the flamer. ;)

janbb's avatar

Plate sharing?? (Go know!)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Questions about disciplining kids will sure get your ass kicked by people who haven’t read the thread. (Go know!)

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