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filmfann's avatar

What movies did you watch this holiday weekend, and can you recommend them?

Asked by filmfann (52621points) December 29th, 2014

Lots of movies got released recently. Anything you really liked?

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29 Answers

filmfann's avatar

And thank you to the programmers who seemed to have fixed the Just For You feature!

I saw The Interview, which was crude and juvenile.
I also saw Into The Woods. I liked the Broadway version better, but it was okay.
Today I hope to see Unbroken.

rojo's avatar

I saw MockingJay. It was ok if you go into it knowing it is only a precursor to the next one in the series. As a stand-alone pic it is not very satisfying.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Do you ever watch the short videos onVimeo? . I just watched “Rhinos” (17 min) and “Russian Roulette” (3 min) . Nice.

zenvelo's avatar

I finally got around to Interstellar. I highly recommend it,

I have a date to see Unbroken this weekend.

janbb's avatar

“Wild” was great and I also enjoyed “The Theory of Everything.”

Blackberry's avatar

Interstellar was beast! It was an action-packed emotional roller coaster.

ucme's avatar

Ahem…Night At the Museum 3…<shuffles off, mildly embarrassed>

LuckyGuy's avatar

Here is the link to Russian Roulette .
And the link to Rhinos .

And they’re free!

picante's avatar

I saw “Wild” and found that Reese Witherspoon delivered a believable performance in a gnarlier than usual role. I also saw Mark Wahlberg’s “The Gambler.” It’s gotten lukewarm reviews by the pros and audience viewers, but I give it a much higher rating. I thought Wahlberg was outstanding, and I found the abundance of interesting characters in this dark film very entertaining.

janbb's avatar

@picante Saw “Wild” last night and really liked it and her performance.

Berserker's avatar

I saw 300 Rise of an Empire. It was okay, and Artemisia was a great villain. Kinda reminded me of Etain from Centurion, but more of a bitch. It was nice and violent, but man I get tired of all those CG special effects. Blood hardly looks like blood at all. :/ I miss man made special effects.

Oh, and badass naval battles. Guess we couldn’t have those without CG…

longgone's avatar

I saw “Begin Again”, liked that quite a bit. I also watched “Paddington”. The story was predictable, of course, but the movie was incredibly well done!

Pachy's avatar

You asked about movies, but I’m recommending two streaming series I binge-watched last week and the week before: Mozart in the Jungle on Amazon Prime and Black Mirror on Netflix streaming. Both are fantastic.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Pachy Thanks for the tips!

ragingloli's avatar

“Dark Skies”. An alien suspense horror film, akin to “Signs”, except better, in my opinion despite having predictable tropes and clichés. Spoilers: The aliens win.
Slightly recommended.

“Space Pirate Captain Harlock”. A japanese 3D animated movie about a space pirate trying to collapse the universe and causing a 2nd Big Bang. (He is the protagonist).
Solid recommendation.

“Galaxy Quest”. Washed up actors of an old Sci-Fi TV series get abducted by Aliens who thought the TV-series were “Historical Documents” and who have recreated the fictional spaceship as actually working technology.
A true classic and a must see, especially for true Star Trek fans.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Nothing new, but I watched these on Netflix:

Silver Linings Playbook

I wouldn’t recommend either. The first was juvenile and stupid; the second was weird as hell.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I saw The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies. I liked it but I felt it ended quite abruptly. The end was a little odd but then it’s really a series of prequels so I can understand why.

I saw The Water Diviner yesterday. It was good. A different but quite sensitive take on the Gallipoli story.

I have a whole list of films I want to see over the coming weeks.

Adagio's avatar

I watched Calvary . Best film I’ve seen this year, it left me speechless.

filmfann's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit Maybe you can use one of the 5 endings from the last Lord Of The Rings movie.

rojo's avatar

@Adagio That film looks like it could be fascinating. Was it in the theater or on one of the movie channels?

janbb's avatar

@Adagio Iwanted to see that but it was in very limited release here. I’ll look for it.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have watched How To Train Your Dragon 2, which I got on DVD from my dad for Christmas, twice. I love it!

I went to the cinema to see Paddington Bear on Christmas Eve and I would definitely recommend that. It was the perfect Christmas Eve film!

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@janbb Calvary is excellent. I saw it a few months ago. Well worth watching.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I’m going to see The Imitation Game on Saturday. I’d go to the cinema every day if I could. Sadly, my husband doesn’t have such film viewing stamina.

janbb's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit I’ll go with you.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Excellent @janbb, you’re on. I have a list :D

dappled_leaves's avatar

I just saw it – it’s excellent. :) Enjoy!

Adagio's avatar

@rojo I watched it on DVD but it was showing in cinemas in NZ 2014

filmfann's avatar

Today we saw Unbroken. It was good, but only half as good as the book.

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