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filmfann's avatar

Does the Hulk ever have to use the bathroom?

Asked by filmfann (52558points) December 31st, 2014

Funny picture , but how accurate can it be?
When the Banner transforms into the Hulk, he would have to aquire a lot of mass, so it is easy to assume he just absorbs any extra waste he may have in his bowels, but assumptions get us in trouble. Is there any supporting evidence?

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13 Answers

ucme's avatar

He should shit Banner out & remain himself forever, either that or crap cucumbers.
As ya mama always said…“eat your greens & stay healthy”

elbanditoroso's avatar

When I was a kid, we asked similar questions about Superman—how did he get out of his cape if he needed to take a dump? And since there was no zipper on the front, what did he do if he had a full bladder in mid-flight?

There was always the question of the Batmobile as well—did Batman (or Alfred) fill the car with Regular or Hi-test? and was there a spare tire in the back in case of a flat? DId the Batmobile have Goodyears or Firestones?

Some questions, I think, don’t have any answers….

zenvelo's avatar

Seeing as how he only eats people, he doesn’t get a lot of roughage, so I imagine he doesn’t have to crap until the serum wears off.

Pachy's avatar

As someone once said: Superheroes, looked at too closely, are neither super nor heroic.

Oh yeah, I said that. ;-)

filmfann's avatar

Even if The Hulk does crap, I am pretty sure he doesn’t wipe, not that seeing him with skid marks on his pants would make him any more terrifying.

janbb's avatar

Hopefully not when he’s on a long distance swim!

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Heh I’m remembering that avatar you had of the Hulk fucking a cement mixer lol.

talljasperman's avatar

Give the Hulk some fiber in his diet.

kritiper's avatar

Of course he does! But he can’t use just ANY bathroom. Probably has giant iron reinforced concrete outhouses erected here and there for his convenient use. And reinforced they would have to be because, otherwise, “Hulk SMASH!”

elbanditoroso's avatar

And I suppose he uses sandpaper instead of Charmin?

kritiper's avatar

@elbanditoroso More likely an industrial grade sand-blaster.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Haha, I was reminded of that too, was told by the mods… & I quote…
“Remove that fucking avatar at once you depraved sick cunt”
To say I was a little taken aback would be an understatement :D
I may have made that up though, I can’t tell what’s real or not after last night’s binge drinking

gasman's avatar

The video is on YouTube here!

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