In your opinion what topic gets most people in a mood to add their opinions?
Asked by
January 1st, 2015
Sex, Religion, Politics, Children, or the economy?
I guess I should add it depends on how one or all those topics are used in the question.
I have seen people get all bent out of shape over anything sexual, with Politics being a close second.
Did I miss a topic that you have seen people boil over about?
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27 Answers
Who killed Bambi?
Do you twirl your spaghetti or suck that strand up?
Who killed Bambi?
I did with my big ole truck the idiot walked out in front of me and it was game over.
I’ve seen discussions about which way the toilet paper should go on the roll last for hours.
@Seaofclouds Oh I missed that one, so which side won, over the top ,or from behind???
Race / ethnicity questions will et everyone on FIRE! So will pyjamas and food stamps.
I keep my toilet paper in a metal thing next to the toilet, not on a roll. Just needed to get that out there for the record.
Stupid questions about fashion choices that no one would ever make.
Burst out laughing on that one!! Nice, @janbb!
Is this question about the internets or real life?
The size of Kim kardashians ass?.....I’ve heard about it a few times this week, apparently it’s huge.
Regarding Fluther, I think if people pose a question in such a way as to already have inserted their personal opinion into the way it’s asked, via how it’s worded.
In real life, anything that has people strongly divided with their opinions, such as religion or politics. I usually avoid adding my opinions in real life conversations, as I don’t think it’s worth it arguing with people, especially when I’m not likely to change their opinions and they’re not likely to change mine. I was at a dinner table about 9 months ago – some friends who are staunchly Republican. They started poo-poohing climate change, saying how global warming is a myth, Al Gore’s family owns nickel mines, etc. (I googled later and found it to be untrue). I didn’t say a word. Not worth ruining a nice time with an argument, and as I said, they’re not changing my mind and I’m not changing theirs. Even if I were to pull out my phone and start googling right there, is it worth it?
Same with religion. When someone says their opinion of God (in real life), I just say some nice things like how that’s an interesting viewpoint, because, let’s face it, other opinions are interesting and valued, at least they’re valued by me. I’m interested in hearing others’ thoughts on the topic, but not interested in trying to convince anybody of anything or arguing about it.
And Obama sure gets every Republican going, I just wonder who they will bitch about after 2016?
Probably just how their wealthy friends are so hard done by, and need further Tax breaks, for the good of everybody.(Barf)
Obama will be good for the next 20 years! He’s black and all.
Grooaann, you mean these Rep/cons are going to be still bitching about Obama for years to come?
Probably! If their candidate screws something up big time, it was still be Obama’s fault!
Yeah, it’s not like you ever hear democrats bitching about Bush or anything…...~
I usually hear Republicans saying Reagan was the last great Republican who did all kinds of wonderful, patriotic things.
Ahhh but @Dutchess_III he has that good ole red neck shoot em up mentality and every red neck Rep/con loves him for it.
Religion, at least on here.
@Symbeline I have seen abortion questions get more heat than Religious ones.
Abortion often has religion as a subject in it, though.
Abortion can also come under the umbrella of “Politics.”
The following kinds of questions may not get heated responses but everyone will have an opinion or advice on 1) weight reduction 2) relationship issues 3) behaviors.
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