General Question

ScottyMcGeester's avatar

Am I sending this correctly through PayPal?

Asked by ScottyMcGeester (1902points) January 2nd, 2015

I’m using PayPal to send money to someone internationally. They need 30 euros. In USD, that’s about $36.

But I’m confused when I’m selecting what currency to use in order to send.

Should I say I’m sending 30 euros or that I’m sending 36 USD? Because if I send 36 USD they need it in euros though. . .but if I say 30 euros, my bank account is in USD so I don’t know if PayPal understands exactly what I want to do. I don’t want to click anything without making sure the right amount is going through.

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1 Answer

jaytkay's avatar

Send $30.00 Euros. Your recipient will get $30.00 Euros.

Your bank account will be debited US dollars (at the current exchange rate) plus whatever fees.

For example, here’s what I see on screen if I want to send 30 Euros to France.

30.00 EUR is equal to 36.99 USD
0.18 USD fee

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