Social Question

What commercials do you think are horrible?
By horrible, I mean should not be on TV and you cannot understand how they were ever approved. Either because they are in bad taste, disgusting, or promoting bad behavior.
Here are some I think are terrible:
The Tide commercial from a few years ago where the mom uses her daughter’s blouse without telling her, stains it, cleans it with Tide, and puts it back to the daughter never knows she wore it.
The current Nyquil commercial where a dad won’t get the day off tomorrow even though he is sick, because his job is taking care of his young child. Then they cut to him sleeping. Basically, it’s saying take the knock you out meds so you get a good night’s sleep. Um, but the kid is still in the house during the night and now the parent is impaired!
There is also a current commercial that has people making retching noises like their throwing up. WTF?! I hate (can’t emphasize it enough) how puking seems to be commonplace on TV shows now, do they really have to put it on a commercial too? I have no idea what they are trying to sell.