General Question

JLeslie's avatar

When you needed an abortion, did they do an ultrasound?

Asked by JLeslie (65822points) January 8th, 2015

I’m just curious if the doctor did an ultrasound when you went to the doctor wanting an abortion. How did they determine how far along you were and your abortion options?

A discussion on a different Q touched on the new laws forcing women to have an ultrasound if they want an abortion, and I was just wondering if the ultrasounds are done anyway even without the law.

This is not a Q about whether it should be a law or not, or to discuss politics, it’s just a medical question.

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11 Answers

Coloma's avatar

No….but..I had an abortion back in 1980 when ultra-sounds were still not very common unless a problem was suspected. The gestational determination is based on the 1st day of your last menstrual cycle I believe, so, if you have missed one full cycle you are probably considered to be 7–8 weeks pregnant even if it is a few weeks less.
I knew exactly when my slip up took place and terminated at 6–7 weeks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

No. But it wasn’t the issue in 1979 that it is today.

osoraro's avatar

It’s a good idea to get an ultrasound to double check on dates.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I knew exactly the date it happened, and where. I was about 6–7 weeks, like @Coloma.
But why is it important to check on dates?

osoraro's avatar

Because the procedure is different depending on the date.

Coloma's avatar

All I can say is thank god for Roe vs. wade.

JLeslie's avatar

Now you can take the abortion pill if you are early enough. I would think most doctors wouldn’t trust a 15 year old to decide how many weeks pregnant she is and prescribe those pills. I don’t know though, which is why I asked.

Coloma's avatar

@JLeslie I wish that had been around decades ago. I don;t regret my abortion but it was sad and traumatic. The morning after pill is, by far, the best way to go. Every woman should have these on hand.
The irony for me was I ended up marrying my ex and having our daughter with him 7 years later. That was hard, but at the time, being 19 years old and smart enough to not force a shotgun marriage and not being ready myself, well…it was the best thing to do at the time.

JLeslie's avatar

The morning after pill is different than the abortion pill.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is an “abortion” pill?

I was 19 at the time. As I said, I knew exactly how far along I was.

JLeslie's avatar

I knew I was pregnant the first time when I was a few hours late. So what? A lot of girls don’t know, especially if they are irregular, and some women bleed when they are preggers and assume it is a period.

Here is a doc about the difference between the morning after pill and the abortion pill. A regular abortion isn’t done until after a certain amount of weeks pregnant.

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