What are your favourite animal facts or anecdotes?
I love to hear and share random facts and interesting trivia about animals, be it their physiology, behaviour, social lives, or if your pet has done something smart/funny/cute…Do tell! If you have an interesting source for yours for further information or book recommendations (in easy to read/layman’s terms rather than scientific journals, for example Bats Sing, Mice Giggle by Shanor and Kanwal) I’d love to hear them too.
Here’s one to start off: wombats can run up to 40 km/hr!
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14 Answers
Huskies are so well insulated that even in the arctic cold they have to use their paws as heat sinks to prevent their bodies from overheating.
I’ve heard that huskies can withstand temperatures down to -60ยบ F.
In corroboration of @ragingloli‘s post, here’s a pic of a husky panting while sitting in the middle of an Ottawa winter (I’m the kid in the homemade sled): http://oi57.tinypic.com/4hw2h5.jpg
Dogs are temporarily fused together immediately after mating so they can thrash out a mutually agreeable pre-nup package, one that has the as yet, unborn pups future at its core.
Dem bitches is wise.
The sea squirt spends its youth looking for a rock to attach itself to. When it settles on one, it promptly digests its own brain.
@Brian1946 , Aw, you looked so serious. Only the dog is smiling. How was the sled?
@BlackSwanEffect, I am curious to know your source. This information differs some from what I remember.
Alex, an African Grey parrot, was able to correctly apply the concepts of “same”, “different” and “zero”. He also could count to six, and he seemed to have enjoyed a little mischief. Here’s a dialogue I particularly liked:
(There are two red wooden blocks scattered between various other colours)
Dr. Pepperberg: Alex, how many red blocks?
Alex: 5…1…3…
Dr. Pepperberg: Come on, Alex, how many red blocks?
Alex: 5…1…3…6…4…
Seems like you need a time-out, Alex.
(She starts to leave)
Alex: Two, two! Come back! I’m sorry! Two!!
And, another favourite: A dog’s nose can detect half a spoonful of sugar dissolved in an olympic swimming pool. (WTH?)
@Here2_4 Wikipedia. But I first came across the fact as quoted in Daniel Dennett’s book Consciousness Explained, and it has stuck with me since.
I read somewhere – and I can’t seem to find it now – that cats are hardwired to recognize and know their names but not to come when you call them.
Granted it sounds more like an observation of a headstrong cat more than scientific fact but, I’d believe it.
Male koalas have two penises, females, two vaginas.
I like this, I like it a lot.
… but they only mate once a year.
Mosquitoes can’t stand the cold. In cold seasons they either die or find a pace to hide. They have to rely on tree saps to survive. Some even eat their own eggs.
The reason why flies eat so much dirty things but can never get sick is: 1. Their immune system is very strong and they have special chemicals in their intestines that can combat cancer. 2. The eat and poop at the same time, making it hard for bacteria to multify in their bodies.
Wombats have square poop.
When a cat wants to intimidate you by arching its back, it will do it so that you see it from its side. This way it looks bigger and and more puffy than it actually is. It’s a bit of an illusion.
When cats hiss, it doesn’t necessarily mean they feel threatened or otherwise in serious danger; this can be nothing more than a mere annoyance felt by the cat. If a cat is serious about defending itself, watch out for low, prolonged gurgling growling and a crouched, low sitting position. Don’t go near it. They’ll usually run from a human instead of fighting unless it’s a female protecting babies, so if the cat has no way to escape, it means business.
If a cat sits or lays down and shows its back to you and just stays like that, this is a sign of submission; the cat is basically recognizing you as its superior. (but not master)
Cats don’t climb just for fun, they do this to survey and observe their territory.
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