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elbanditoroso's avatar

Boston Olympics? Is the best the US can do?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33648points) January 9th, 2015

The US Olympic Committee selected Boston as the preferred US site for 2024. Ultimately, the International Olympic Committee will choose from the set of countries that make bids.

I like Boston as much as anyone – to visit – but do they have what is needed for the Olympics? And Boston traffic is horrible 23 hours a day – how will they get teams and fans to the various outlying venues?

And more to the point, is Massachusetts really going to be eager to build whatever facilities are necessary?

Did the USOC just throw away their chances for 2024?

[a link that supports my thesis: link

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21 Answers

hominid's avatar

I really hope this does not happen. Your assessment of Boston as beyond congested is accurate.

ucme's avatar

Its a marathon venture, let’s hope it doesn’t blow up in their face.

Here2_4's avatar

I think that is sick, ucme, and completely uncalled for.

ucme's avatar

So flag it & move on #freedomofspeech

zenvelo's avatar

Given that the USOC, like FIFA, thrives on under the table payments, I guess Boston just had deeper pockets.

The IOC is going to have to come to terms, though, that “all new” is not going to work for the Olympics going forward. Rio is running onto problems, Sochi was a disaster, Tokyo will be a mess. And no one wants to host the 2022 Winter Games.

ucme's avatar

The L.A (84) & Atlanta (96) games were a huge success, maybe the US deserves another shot.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@ucme – I agree, but not in Boston.

kritiper's avatar

San Francisco would be better. Then maybe they could/would do something with Alcatraz.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@kritiper – they could remodel the cells and make that the Olympic Athletes village

Here2_4's avatar

Oklahoma would have my vote. There is quite a lot of undeveloped space where whatever is needed could be erected. The weather is good. All the people I ever met there were very nice.

ucme's avatar

The same was said of London in the years leading up to 2012, lack of suitable venues, huge costs of building new stadia, terrible traffic, Boris fucking Johnson.
All things were overcome & produced what is widely believed to be one of the best Games of modern times, shit gets sorted man.

ragingloli's avatar

They could not have made a better choice.
I mean, what are the odds?

Cruiser's avatar

I’d really like to know their reasoning other than the obvious sympathy vote they could get for the recent marathon bombing. Even the mayor is stupified…

Boston Mayor Thomas Menino is calling a proposal to hold the 2024 Summer Olympics in the city “far-fetched.”

hominid's avatar

^ Menino is no longer the mayor (or alive).

elbanditoroso's avatar

@cruiser – Menino died in October. Maybe be is rolling over in his grave?

ragingloli's avatar

he would need help to roll over

marinelife's avatar

I heard that Paris was on the list of other candidates. I would think some of the others have a better chance.

jerv's avatar

Sorry, but I don’t think you’ve ever even been within 100 miles of Boston. The reason I say that is your claim that the traffic is horrible only 23 hours a day. Cambridge or Somerville have times where it isn’t too bad, but I don’t recall there ever being a time where you weren’t better off just parking in Porter Square and taking the Red Line in. The same could be said of Harvard Square really; Porter Square is about as close to downtown as you can get without being a masochist.

And after the Big Dig, I’m not sure I want to see them try building anything in Boston.

ucme's avatar

I think, looking at the potential bidders, Paris would be a fine choice. It would be the centenary of them last hosting the games & that, for a major world capital with an excellent sporting history, is way too long.
I don’t buy at all the events of the last few days should have an adverse effect on their suitability to host, London suffered terrorist bombings seven years prior to hosting & all went by without a single threat or incident. Besides, fuck the sick cowards, they will never win!

elbanditoroso's avatar

@jerv – I lived in Framingham for several years and commuted into downtown….

jerv's avatar

@elbanditoroso It was a joke. My family is mostly within 20 miles of Boston, and I visited them almost every weekend. It wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to say I grew up there.

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