Have you or anyone close to you ever been involved in a serious car crash?
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January 12th, 2015
What was the result? Has it left you with phobias?
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10 Answers
My dad was in a car crash in 1984, and his car rolled over 20 times into a ditch. He suffered a broken leg, collapsed lung, and a broken hip. He recovered pretty well, but he has severe anxiety about driving.
Let’s see: We were in a pick-up truck that had no seat belts. We almost hit the grain truck head-on but we swerved and almost tipped over on the asphalt with the driver and myself being partially ejected through the driver’s door. The truck landed on it’s side in the borrow pit, door open, pinning the driver and myself. The gasoline drained out into the depression where the driver and I were trapped. My brother, who was not pinned, shut off the engine before a spark could ignite the gasoline. There was no fire, no broken bones. no injuries. I may someday get cancer from lying in the pool of leaded gasoline, but so far, so good.
Does that count??
No phobias but I did lose my love of the smell of leaded gasoline that day!
I was the driver, back in the day of no seat belts and my boyfriend then, husband now, was with me when a car with 2 passengers turned in front of me. We hit it almost head on. All 4 of us were injured with broken bones, lacerations and head injuries. I just remember seeing the car, knew we were going to crash, heard and felt the crash and that is all I remember until I was being pulled out of the car. I do not mind driving by myself but to this day, do not like to have passengers with me.
I was in a very serious golf cart crash. I am more paranoid even in cars. It’s only triggered going around a curve too fast or tailgating. Well, the point is my sensitivity has made my threshold for too fast around a curve or too close to another car more extreme. Especially in tall vehicles, like trucks, jeeps, SUV’s, that are high off the road the curves really freak me out.
I tried getting in a golf cart a few times with other people driving, but I can’t do it anymore. They don’t take it seriously enough that I was in an accident. I would go in one if I was driving or a very close girlfriend who I knew would take it very seriously that I’m extra sensitive and even worry for herself. I’m not even sure if I trust my husband. He races cars and his sensitivity to g force and pushing limits is extremely different than mine.
Way more than I ever want to think about. The death toll is in double digits, but it never gave me a phobia. Wonder why that is?
@Adirondackwannabe Maybe because you drive on a regular basis? How hurt were you in the accident?
The first one I was in I was in the backseat with another guy, slouched down with my knees on the seat. I heard the driver say Oh shit, and looked up just in time to see a car crossways in the road, with another one coming in the other lane. We hit the car and we both hit the front seats. Our legs hit the bottom of the seats so hard we thought our legs were broke. They weren’t, but we both bent the front seats. The front seat peeps all had seat belts on. Silly us. The second one I flipped the car with seat belts and shoulder harnesses in place. I was out, probably a concussion and a bad back injury. That took 18 months to stop hurting. But neither one scared me and no phobias.
Those both are pretty scary.
The second one I wouldn’t have survived without the belts. They weren’t much compared to the ones that took my uncle, grandfather, three friends from my school, and some other kids from surrounding towns.
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