Social Question
How much of your time is completely free of input, in a regular day?
Some people compare the shower to a sensory-deprivation-chamber: Little to no input, apart from the white-noise of water.
If I’m honest, the ten minutes I spend showering may be the only time I am without input on a regular basis. Before falling asleep, I deliberately follow a “script” instead of letting my mind wander…I pretend to be a character in a movie, or recount my day’s events. Very structured, very brief. My goal is falling asleep quickly.
I do get time away from people, books, and phones on my daily walk, which takes about two hours. I often use this time to plan creative writing projects, though – and depending where I go, I may meet people at times. Ungh. My trails!
I’m trying to lessen the constant stream of input at the moment, and allow for breaks. The fact that this is extremely hard tells me it is something I need to do.
How about you?