General Question

talljasperman's avatar

What is the top speed of the fastest helicopter?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) January 13th, 2015

Or a medical helicopter like S.T.A.R.S. Air Ambulance.

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3 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

“The current World Helicopter Speed Record is held by the Westland Lynx at 217.5 Kts (402 km/h) using specially designed high-speed rotor blades.” I just googled that.

Here2_4's avatar

Black helicopters can travel at twice the speed of light. That is why they are called black, because with light unable to catch up to them, there is absence of color, giving the impression of black. They can also shoot targets in any direction from them with 100% accuracy. There is one assigned to hover the home of every space alien currently residing on, and in planet Earth.

mistylue's avatar

Sorry I don’t know this but I can think that is is faster than what police car but slower than a speeding car.I estimate 500 miles per hour.

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