Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

What are some things you want to know about Colorado? Ask questions and I'll answer them!

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) January 13th, 2015

Also, if you have any questions about things like sex, video games, the navy or black people; I can handle those too.

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35 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

@syz Lol…fine, darnit.

Here2_4's avatar

Does the navy have any ships in Colorado? If so, are there any black people on board? I don’t have to ask the other question, because I have heard that thing about having one in every port.

DominicY's avatar

Has the legalization of marijuana there caused mass chaos? :)

Brian1946's avatar

Can you smoke a J in the stands during a Broncos, Nuggets, or Rockies game, without getting hassled by the man? ;-p

JLeslie's avatar

Has your opinion changed about legalizing pot after spending time in Colorado? Were you against it? For it? Do you use it?

Does race have any significance with who you socialize with, and does it change depending on where you live?

@Here2_4 Why do you have to sarcastic? Not nice.

ucme's avatar

Are you in that vid ^^^ & if not, do you desperately wish you were? :D
I guess that covers most of your secondary topics, now for Colorado.
Oh, I know, did Mork ever fuck Mindy? Cuz I know I woulda, given the chance XD

Blackberry's avatar

@Here2_4 Nope, no navy ships here, although there are still navy recruiting stations and bases where navy can be stationed. Different branches can be stationed at bases of other branches, for example, an army person stationed at a navy base. And yes there are black people on ships lol.

@DominicY No mass chaos at all, there are people that hate the pot culture, and for a good reason. Every April 20th, hundreds of people gather at the capitol and smoke in public, they leave trash. I was there and didn’t see any fights or things of that nature, it’s just people think because it’s legal, they can smoke in public and you really can’t.

Also, with so many people moving here, the people that were here long before now have to deal with skyrocketing rent prices and everything that comes with a large population increase, infrastructure etc.

But people here are generally nice and chill, in my experience so far.

@Brian1946 It’s still illegal to smoke in public. I have not seen it yet at the games I went to, but with things like vap pens, it’s probably very easy to take a few puffs.

Also, the security pat down was very relaxed so I probably could have snuck a joint in. I respect the rules so I won’t try it though.

@JLeslie My opinion is still the same, it’s great. I could walk downtown and people may ask you if you want take a hit, and with so many outdoor clubs and bars there are people that smoke huge joints and blunts outside. But…just like anywhere there is still a classy, ritzy area where you see none of that. I go there to check out MILFs lol.

There is definitely less racism here. You can just tell. People don’t even care, there is such a wide range of different types of people since apparently the Denver area and CO are 60% transplants.

Blackberry's avatar

@ucme Damn you lol. I have heard that joke way too many times when I’ve told people I’m in the navy. And I would like to hope Mork porked Mindy :)

elbanditoroso's avatar

Does Colorado now regret turning away the Olympics in 1976?

Why are people in Boulder so nutty?

Did they ever find the killer/thief in the United Bank massacre?

ucme's avatar

The Colorado Potato Beetle faces extinction, has it had its chips :D

Mimishu1995's avatar

What can you tell me about Colorado people?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Have you been up on the high peaks and what’s the air like up there? I’ve been above 5000 feet and it gets thin. And if you go, would smoking a j really be wild?

Cruiser's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe You can get one of the best glazed doughnuts you will ever have at a little Summit House restaurant on top of Pikes Peak with a gorgeous view at 14,000 feet to go with it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Cruiser That might have just gone on the bucket list. There’s an orchard on the shore of Lake Champlain that has a bakery. Best donuts ever. We got a half dozen. They didn’t make it to the car.

JLeslie's avatar

@Blackberry Less racism than the east coast in general? Or, less than the last place you were stationed?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Cruiser Interesting pics. The grades are less than Whiteface. I didn’t expect that.

Cruiser's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe That is why it can take 2–3 hours going up the mtn. They built a pretty safe road knowing us flat landers would be getting off the plane, renting a car and driving up the switchbacks for the first time in their lives.

rojo's avatar

There seems to be a lot of poverty in the smaller rural communities in the state, dilapidated housing, closed businesses, yards full of cars on brick and other miscellaneous waste in various states of decomposition and etc. Do the larger cities have similar areas that are just not as obvious?
Is there a large income discrepancy within the borders? Is there a healthy middle class? Do you have your own 99%? Does the bulk of the wealth that is there come from sources within the borders or is more a destination for those who have acquired their wealth elsewhere and decided that Colorado is where they want to live?

Here2_4's avatar

@JLeslie , what sarcastic? I asked about all the things @Blackberry claimed to be ready to answer. How is that sarcastic. I love the answer. Thanks @Blackberry . I was concerned you would say there is a ship in the mountains of Colorado, in which case I would have to rethink the whole Noah thing. LOL!

Here2_4's avatar

@ucme , funny! I haven’t seen the Village People in decades.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ok! Do black people tan? I already know the answer to this, BTW.

zenvelo's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe If you haven’t been above 5,000 feet you are missing out. Just last week I was at 12,500 at the top of Snowmass-at-Aspen. Beautiful.

My question about Colorado; is Alferd Packer considered a hero or a villain?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Are there signs in the head shops that say, “Keep Colorado High?”

elbanditoroso's avatar

@zenvelo – I have eaten at the Alferd Packer grill on the campus of CU-Boulder. The meat was actually pretty good. Try it: link

Blackberry's avatar

Hi guys, I’m heading home right now so ill answers questions in about an hour :)

Blackberry's avatar

@elbanditoroso I’m sure they wish they hadn’t, but I’m sure Colorado is also happy with their new stream of revenue (I have no idea what the answer to this question is lol).

People in Boulder are nutty because hippie liberalism was taken too far there lol. And I’ do not know if the killer was caught, sorry :/


@Mimishu1995 There are so many different kinds of people and subcultures here, since there are so many transplants. You definitely get the feeling Colorado was and is very rural before it started exploding. There’s a big western/pioneer/country thing in the air here, but you also have the classy rich winter sport folks as well. Then there are the super-active and athletic people. I’ve met a lot of rock climbers, bikers, marathon runners, hikers etc.

Then there are the mexican gangster types: women with drawn on eyebrows, really intimidating guys with tattoos lol.

There’s also a pretty cool jamband/hippie scene here as well.

I mean this place has every culture you see in any modern city. But one thing they have in common is they all seem nice as heck, except for a few.

@Adirondackwannabe Altitude affects people differently, but I didn’t notice anything different. The first time I went up, I got dizzy for like 2 seconds and had the sniffles for a few days after and that was it. Maybe I acclimated better than others. I hadn’t smoked weed in 10 years since I was in the navy, so of course I get incredibly high even off a few hits. Not to mention the weed is already strong as hell.

@rojo Definitely, I felt the same way. Although isn’t everywhere like that in some sense? There are always really nice places and everywhere in between. In my opinion though, the “ghettos” or bad areas don’t seem as bad, but of course we’re comparing them to places like Flint, MI or Newark…

You do hear some people complaining about the wealthier coming from places like TX and CA. Apparently people move here with their money and start wanting to change certain laws or regulations.
@JLeslie Less racism than many places where I’ve experienced racism. This would be Oregon and various places along the east coast and southeast.

@Dutchess_III Yes I have seen these signs but they are not prevalent at all.

@zenvelo Unfortunately I can not answer that question lol.

Disclaimer: this is all anecdotal and was meant to be social. I hope no one thinks I’m actually an expert on CO lol. I literally just moved here in April…

Here2_4's avatar

That’s why I kept my questions ridiculous. I had the impression the Q was meant to be silly fun.
More on the serious side though, have you seen any little people, like leprechauns, only American? I don’t know why, but when I was a kid, I always thought magical little people lived in the Colorado mountains. I had never been there. I just believed it from my own imagination, but maybe…
If you haven’t yet, keep me updated. Maybe you will later.

JLeslie's avatar

@Here2_4 I guess I couldn’t imagine people think there might not be black people on Navy ships. My personal experience with the military is it is more intergrated than most places in the US. It’s my mistake, my apologies.

@Dutchess_III A few years ago a black girl at work asked me what to do to prevent getting darker during her vacation in Disney. I guess she never had entertained the idea or leanerd about suntan lotion. My whole life I have been slathered with the stuff. I also have suffered through too many burns to count when I failed to slather. I stopped working there shortly after, I wonder if she used the suntan lotion?

JLeslie's avatar

One more question about the racism. Would you say the whitest parts of the country are the least racist?

zenvelo's avatar

@JLeslie No. The least racist areas are the ones with the greatest diversity and greatest interaction. In the south, there is little intermixture of different people except in the larger cities.

I have a friend who lives in Ukiah, California, which is predominantly white and Latino. There are less than 200 people who identify as Black alone. My friend said that after living in Oakland for 10 years, it was overwhelming to hear how common racism is in Ukiah. Even though it is a relatively impoverished area, lower class whites consider the Latinos to be an underclass, and make continued vocal racists statements in the presence of Black people.

JLeslie's avatar

@zenvelo Actually, the very diverse areas do seem to have the least racism, but the areas that basically only have two groups primarily, especially a high percentage of blacks and then whites in the other percent, typically seem to have more racism. That explains the south.

A few black people in Iowa don’t make the white Iowa people feel like they are being invaded. Miami, a lot of “whites” who 50 years ago were ok with some Hispanics living there, now complain their neighborhoods were taken over and at works everyone is speaking Spanish, which they find somewhat rude.

One black family doesn’t turn a neighborhood or cause worries in your child’s school. That’s how a lot of people look at it.

My school was extremely diverse 40% minorities in my high school, but it was the whole world there. Pakistan, Vietnam, China, Ecuador, Panama, Columbia, Korea, and American blacks too. No one cared. I grew up with diversity being normal and not hearing any hate talk.

Class does affect the situation I think. My guess is the lower classes are more racist within their class, and also when there is a higher class, not necessarily high class, that is one race or ethnicity and another much poorer living close by then I think that causes more racism too.

Money levels the playing field, money and education. And, conforming. People with money conform generally to the general expectations of the class.

Kardamom's avatar

Is it hard to find vegetarian food in Colorado? Or in Denver, in general? One of my friends, also a vegetarian, lives in a suburb of Denver and she says they don’t have any vegetarian restaurants at all. I kind of thought Colorado, but may not necessarily Denver, is home to a lot of vegetarian food loving hippies, like Oregon and Washington.

If I visited Denver, would I be able to find some decent vegetarian food?

jonsblond's avatar

What do the locals think about John Fox parting ways with the Broncos? I say let Chicago have our sloppy seconds. You are a Broncos fan now, right?

Here2_4's avatar

I missed touching on one part of your original question. I forgot to include video games in my questions to you.
When there is some known celebrity featured in a video game, they can sometimes be heard saying many things, and I guess it depends on how you do in the game just what that individual says. Would they be expected to say every conceivable word and/or phrase to be recorded, or would they say a few choice things, and then their voice gets computer generated from their pronunciations for everything else?

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