General Question

talljasperman's avatar

How would an amount of antimatter be measured for sale?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) January 13th, 2015

Do you charge by the negative ounce, or some other way?

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4 Answers

Here2_4's avatar

By the amount of matter displaced.

ragingloli's avatar

Antimatter has positive mass. You measure it just as you would regular matter.

rojo's avatar

I would imagine it would be sold in non-kgs, except in the US where you would purchase it by the non-ozs.

jerv's avatar

In most sci-fi I’ve read, it’s still measured in grams or (less often) kilograms. However, current technology is only capable of producing a few atoms at a time, so we currently measure anti-hydrogen quantities in atoms, especially since it’d take ~6.02*10^23 atoms to make a gram.

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