Casting your mind back to your school days, which teachers had memorable names?
Asked by
ucme (
January 15th, 2015
I recall these three:
William Shakespeare – English Lit
David (Davy) Crockett – History
Edward Edwards – Science
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17 Answers
My brother had a first grade teacher named Mrs Outhouse, her real name.
I had a fourth grade teacher named Mrs Diapher, but we all called her Mrs Diaper and she never corrected us on it.
Our English teacher’s last name was Bartelette. In French, if you replace the B with a T it makes tartelette, which is a small pie. I always thought it was funny.
In high school the English teacher’s name was Jacky. We always called him Jacky Chan. It helped that he was fit as a fiddle, too. He eventually left the teaching job to do bike racing in France. So yeah…that guy was into physical a activity a lot, I was surprised he wasn’t the gym teacher.
Also once he found my school agenda, in which I wrote swear words everywhere. Like a list of homework I had to do; math, page 34 to fucking page 37. Just cussing everywhere, he didn’t like it, called me to his desk after class and started getting all pissed off at me. Told him to give me back my agenda, then he’s like, no, I’m showing this to the principal.
So I’m like, just give me it, and I’ll go show it to him, I don’t care. So he gave it back to me and dropped the whole thing, telling me he never wanted to see it lying around again.
Lol, fuckin guy thought he’d scare me with the whole principal business, like I give a shit lol.
Sorry…that went off topic.
Also I should have replied to him when he told me he didn’t want to see it lying around again to just not pick it up if he ever did. I still regret that. That fucker.
@SQUEEKY2 Nice, Mrs Outhouse is a really weird name.
@Symbeline Haha, many times have I wished I could go back to school now with my present mind, fucking blow the arsehole teachers away with witty intellect :D
Shame, back when you’re a kid they intimidate you into submission, cuntmuffins!
My brother had an English teacher named Pearl Button.
Coulda been worse, her surname might have been Harbour or even Necklace
My physics teacher was mr. Brown…. like doctor Emmett Brown from Back to the Future.
Better if he was Mr.Brown from Reservoir Dogs, “Mr.Brown is a little too close to Mr.Shit”
I honestly can’t remember my pre-K teacher’s real name because I always mistakingly called her Miss Polenta. It was something close to that.
In Elementary school, the Principal was named Charles Schmuck. Yup, he was Chuck Schmuck, about 4’8, and very bitter and cruel.
Can’t think of any funny ones. My third grade teacher’s last name was Klott, as in blood clot, but that’s more unfortunate than humorous.
Mrs. McMan and Mr. Mann were interesting.
^^ McMan and Mann doo doo do doo doo McMan and Mann doo do doo do…
Nothing really funny but my first few teachers in elementary school were Mrs. Black, Mrs. White and Mrs. Green.
Mrs. Black was an older white woman. Mrs. White was a younger black woman and Mrs. Green was Asian. My young mind was blown.~
I had a Mrs Gaylord which, as you can imagine, caused a lot of ridicule.
HAHA! My Economics Teacher, his Name was Mr. Longacre. Kids in the class would ask if he’s gona go to his second job as a male stripper? He would get so upset!
I bet he cried sweet salty tears in private :)
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