How did this famous question get past the mods?
Frizzer of course.
They were 10 times more uptight back then, so how did this go on for as long as it did?
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136 Answers
I have had questions pulled for a lot less!
Oh, I know! The question itself is insanely bad! Poor mods. It just blew up behind their backs. Who were the mods back then?
It was not one of mine? They would have been all over that like tax on income.
Pure favouritism, denied to the hilt over the years, but blatantly obvious on occasion.
Damnit Janet! Mod always loved your crazy ass best!
The Q was asked on Aug. 17, 2008. That was a Sunday. There weren’t very many mods back then, so I can only assume the question was asked either very early or late in the day when the mods were sleeping. Or maybe they were busy doing fun weekend summer activities.I’m pretty sure the mods were all college age, though I could be wrong.
Ohh! Research! I like that!
This was also asked under different guidelines. Back then there weren’t the different sections we have now. The current sections and associated guidelines did not start until 2010.
And some things are so bad, they’re good. Janet has gone into Fluther history. Perhaps the mods then recognised Janet’s true talent as a writer.
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
You have this all wrong @Dutchess_III if you look closely there were at least 3 mods advancing the thread with Augie leading the charge. This is a classic example of what made Fluther a total blast to hang out at. There is a new years thread that was a belly buster mods included.
I miss those days a lot
Yes, a signature of Fluther, fluff reigns and pertinent questions get hijacked and filibustered into oblivion. ~~~~~~~
I miss those days a lot, too. At the time, I wasn’t “up” on the jokes like that so they meant very little to me. It was the good old days when we didn’t know how good they were. Now, they represent a time and era of Fluther greatness. Augie was the best and I will yell it from the mountaintops, I wish she were still around. People who were not here then have no clue how good she was, kind, respectful and fair. There was transparency with the moderation and the the site was growing and evolving in a good way. Now, there’s no transparency with the moderation, the site is shrinking, even new members don’t stick around for long and it’s slower than slow.
@jca Fluther was a newborn in the era you pine for and well attended to by both mods and owners. We are now a mere tide pool in a big ocean of social media and that for the most part can be actually be a good thing. Yes there are other options, but the ones that stay recognize the quality over quantity aspect of Fluther.
It was the good old days when we didn’t know how good they were.
Or terrible…..
@Hypocrisy_Central How can you even comment those days were terrible when you were not even a member here??
@Cruiser To be fair, @Hypocrisy_Central was here during the good old days. He joined just one year after I did. He’s been here since Dec. 2009. Those were the good old days. hmm, I just looked and the two of you joined within one day of each other. :)
@jonsblond He joined the day after I did and both of us were a year and then some late for that party but you I and HC did get to throw down on a few hundred or more similar threads that we have not seen the likes of in a long time.
@Cruiser I can’t remember the last time I woke up to find a new question with over 100 responses when I first logged in to Fluther for the day. It happened so often. I remember feeling left out because I wasn’t there when everyone was answering and having fun.
I’ll never forget how much that whole thing made me laugh.
I don’t know, but I may be one of the only jellies that doesn’t find it funny. Nor do I find any reference to birthday cake or pancakes funny, even after I was let in on the threads behind it. Maybe it was a “you had to be there” type of thing, or maybe seeing others harping on an old inside joke is more obnoxious than funny.
^^ I count myself as “one of the only jellies” too.
If you think that thread was hilariously funny & those days as the “best” then you really need to get out more.
Pancakes/frizzer/CIA/clitoris nose, that shit washed right over me, feels like happy hour on the ward in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest :D
Like I said in my post above, “At the time, I wasn’t “up” on the jokes like that so they meant very little to me. It was the good old days when we didn’t know how good they were.” I didn’t get the jokes, I wasn’t in the gossip, I didn’t get the comments about pancakes and frizzers either. I used to find the private joking derailing a thread annoying. However, I didn’t appreciate it till it was gone. What I did get was the feeling of cohesiveness, not like clinging to a life raft. I also got what I felt was a lot of support and fairness from Augie.
@ucme Ah, I almost forgot about CIA and clitoris nose. I know the threads, and I can see how they may have been amusing once, but I don’t find them funny after the millionth person made a comment about it.
I love inside jokes. I used to have a ton with my best friend in high school. But we don’t still bring them up. It was too long ago for it to be funny now. At some point it’s like, “okay, we get it!” And if we do bring them up, it’s in a text, not surrounded by people who have no clue why we’re laughing. That’d just be annoying.
@livelaughlove21 I love inside jokes too, always playing around with mates, but they have to evolve or you become the joke. Oh yeah & they have to be funny in the first place.
What would be interesting about that thread is to calculate the total number of different people that posted on it and the number of those who are still active on the site. I took a quick glance and see only a few that I recognize as currently active. So many had decent lurve scores (which indicated they were pretty active, at least for a time) and yet have chosen to depart, for some reason or other.
@jonsblond I am with you on that and felt the same way logging late to the early show on some of those marathon Q’s. The only marathon Q’s these days are merely 2 people having a lengthy conversation.
@livelaughlove21 Back then most if not all the Jellies were in on the inside jokes which as you said did create the you had to be there atmosphere. If I were to say “here have some pancakes” or “Bob make me a sandwich” one maybe two here would know what those terms of endearment meant.
We some of us mention the good old days we aren’t saying Fluther is terrible now. Fluther was just more active back then. The creators of the site were involved with the community and we had a manager who cared about everyone and she was always available. It was fun. Like @Cruiser said, the only time you find a question with over 100 responses these days is when two or three people are bickering.
You did have to be here to understand.
@Seaofclouds Yes there were different guidelines, and they all came under the current rules of “General.” They were pretty damn strict in those days. They were stricter then about spelling and punctuation and grammar than they are now. I was a newbie then, and I got in on that thread.
The first 3 questions I asked here, right around that same time, got modded. Coming from Wisdm, that was a real wake up call, so it’s a real miracle that the Frizzer thread thrived as long as it did.
I guess it was so far gone by the time any mod saw it that they figured, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em!”
Also, I don’t think Auggie was a mod then, but I’ll check.
^I joined a few months after this question was asked and I’m pretty sure Auggie was not a mod yet, though she was one of the first to greet me and she was very kind.
I think Ben and Andrew were pretty much the mods for a long time and they determined the rules since it was their site. They did get fed up with the chit-chat after a while and that’s why the different categories were established.
It came on the heels of the great migration. We were ill mannered heathens who wanted to have fun! I likened it to everyone sitting about the pool, smoking cigars and drinking wine, discussion Important Stuff….and we came barreling in, jumping off the diving board naked and skinny dipping and splashing and stuff. Created havoc in the community. There goes the neighborhood!
^^ I think we were pretty good at being nekkid and wild before your arrival. We were just smarter then. :-)
I’m sure you were, but it took a long time to see it! Well, except for the Frizzer question, which was one of the first questions I posted on.
@ucme I have to agree. I never thought any of those famous questions or incidents were all that epic. I mean yeah, once it’s funny. But Christ I’m so tired of seeing people post “redacted”, or talking about pancakes and shit all the fucking time. It’s like, give it a rest, madman.
I didn’t participate in Yarnpocolis or whatever you all called it, but everyone involved couldn’t quit talking about it for the next two years. I feel your pain. :P
LOL I participated in it, and wouldn’t stop talking about it. I think I mentioned it two days ago. but that’s because it’s the only Fluther thing I was ever a part of. Yeah I’m a hypocrite, as well as an attention whore. :D
I am sad I missed Yarnocolypse.
The main thing I remember about this place & yeah, i’m gonna fucking name names, was having a right old laugh with Vunessuh, lucillelucillelucille, Bellatrix & yeah, you @Symbeline :D
There are a few more I admire, I wanna get drunk & make babies with Blondesjon for christ’s sake.
Fluther is what it is, a Q&A site with bells on, ding a fuckin ling XD
@Dutchess_III I am sad I missed Yarnocolypse.
Ahhhhh…..the day when dozens of Flutheronians broke the rules spoofing Yarnlady avatar in every way imaginable, something you surely would not see today without a chastising by the mods, unless they selectively decided not to see or enforce the rules.
I still think Yarnageddon woulda sounded better, she looked a little like Bruce Willis in a certain light.
But didn’t it happen late at night? Also, what did Yarn Lady think?
Rumor has it that it started in chat…then exploded on to here! That must have been a sight to see. Er. To read.
I didn’t personally get involved, but I believe rumours that she internally combusted due to all the excitement, proved unfounded.
@ucme I still think Yarnageddon woulda sounded better, she looked a little like Bruce Willis in a certain light.
Actrually I think it got coined as Yarnapollooza
It happened late Easter Eve. I was up being the Easter bunny and asked a Q about being the Easter bunny. It was a total coincidence and they invaded my Q. I have to admit I did have fun with that one. It’s still there. Let me find it.
MRSHINYSHOES, fuck me, I liked him, although he told me off for comparing him to George Takei, can’t think why :D
@Dutchess_III Yeah, it went on late at night on Easter’s eve, like at one in the morning and this went on until…like, four or something. Not only did everyone have Yarnlady’s avatar but we made tons and tons of threads about yarn and squirrels and stuff, and spammed existing threads with more of the same. When Auggie got on the next morning, she was like, k dude, whaaaaat. No one was reprehended, not that I know of anyway, she thought it was funny and let us off. Her and mods had to clean our shit up though. XD
Yarnlady herself thought it was “funny and cool”, her words, not mine. :)
I did apologize a few days later, it was all cool…but we WERE told to not do that again. XD
@ucme Heh yeah, I miss those days, and those users you mentioned. Such good times lol. I am not lamenting the present in lieux of the past, just saying, it was so e magical back then. :D
also I want me some Vunessah. I miss her.
@Symbeline Yeah, I wouldn’t mind getting inside her…ahem, her mind, ya dirty bastard :D
I miss ShineyShoes too. I liked him, but he was too conservative for Fluther. He took a beating.
The secret to getting away with fun is doing it very late in the evening during a holiday. ;)
That’s exactly what I was going to post @ucme! MR. SHINEYSHOES!!
I so put that in my fluther files!
Hey, will ya look at this, a buncha Fluther “vets” shooting the breeze about good times, old & new.
This feels really rather pleasant in a quirky kinda way :)
Oh also, not to poop the party, but FutureMemory left Fluther recently. :(
Let’s all pretend it’s 2009 again! dxs shall now caese to exist.
Hi, @wilma! So good to see you.
I sorta miss dp/pd, there…I said it.
I did not come back because I miss the old days and Jellies gone by…I came back because there are always old and new Jellies that tickle my gray matter and Fluther is what you make it or take from it. The old take it or leave it.
We can’t mention @MRredacted no matter how cool and Suave he was, mentioning other Flutheronians is verboten.
^^ Not if its in a positive light, which this is.
Now that we’re on the issue, one of the biggest Fluther epidemics that’s still a mystery to me is Randy. A search turned up nothing. Anyone care to explain?
Oh yeah, right I remember him. Dpwokin or wtv his name was. I liked that he was “feisty”, but could always back his shit up.
I also miss Wundy. I know he broke the rules, but wtv he was great.
This thread looks likely to breach 100 answers riding a wave of positivity.
Fuck the good old days, they never went away, well…maybe a little.
Heh, we still have em, they’re just different. :) Having a long ass friendly thread is proof of that, yeah? :)
Man I feel so…corny and koombaya style.
Guess who’s gonna put on the nun outfit & break out the guitar, my money’s on the fiddleplayingbastard.
That guy’s pretty much God. Also I always thought he looked like a young version of Roger from Dawn of the Dead. I miss my fellow zombie movie fan ha ha.
Fiddle was quite the aspiring author and he was always sending me his latest prose.
Ah, a walk down Memory Lane with dear and departed members.
I’m not ever part of Fluther jokes so I usually don’t appreciate them, but I was present for the Yarnpocalypse. I was up late and kind of delirious, because it was so late. I thought it was hilarious. The next day we were all talking like naughty school children who were up late doing bad stuff.
I had joined a week before the Frizzer thread and was just feeling the joint out, deciding if it was for me or not. Seeing that thread made me stay. It was so stupid it was funny.
And if we are going to miss people, l miss Jeffgolblumesprivatefacilities. He was fun, and what a cool name.
^I miss him too. He called in to Jon’s podcast a couple times. Those were fun times.
^I remember that. Those were fun times.
I also miss KateTheGreat. She was uh…great. :D
I miss this seeing this nut job who really shook things up.
So many people do I miss. Going back to the beginning, I could easily name ten.
LOL! poisonedantidote!
Red Power Lady.
Seek! :(
Supermouse (ironic mentioning them in the same quip)
Yeah – I really miss Harp too. And most of the others.
Dalepetrie, PupnTaco, Wundayatta, the list goes on and on.
Once again, I become the pioneer, name folks & everyone follows, god i’m good :D
I shall repeat, lucillelucillelucille & I had the biggest blast on Fluther, such funny times.
If anybody keeps in touch with these people, can they contact them and ask them to return? For example Lucille?
I was in contact with Lucy by email for a while, she wouldn’t need asking, she’s her own woman & would come back only on her own terms.
Lucille will never come back thanks to the stabbing in the back she got from more than a handful of jellies.
Same with Seek. I know she got real fed up, and maybe she’ll come back some day, but that will be in her own good time. And Vunessuh is definitely not returning.
I wasn’t aware of what happened with Lucille.
My issues were never the quality of questions. I left because I got fed up with the people who didn’t know how to disagree without being rude and making it personal. Most of those people have left, thankfully. and I find it funny that one of them is mentioned above as being missed. I’m sure this person never disgreed with the majority here, so that explains why they are missed.
@jonsblond Of course, now I’m curious who that is lol.
I’m pretty sure I have a good idea anyway ;)
I just realized I posted this on the wrong Q. It was meant for the other meta Q about taking a break. Sorry
@Cruiser Umm, I got stabbed in the back plenty by that jelly. And then she would send me weird-ass PMs afterwards. But whatever. People remember what they want to.
As with other fondly remembered characters.
Well, if no one else got stabbed in the back by her (and I am one of them who didn’t) then we remember what we actually remember, not just what we “want” to. Can’t base our opinions or conclusions on your experiences that we don’t even know about.
@Dutchess_III ” Can’t base our opinions or conclusions on your experiences that we don’t even know about.”
That’s what I’m saying.
But whatever. People remember what they want to.
Backstabbing….hee hee hee, at least I get stabbed in the heart or my throat cut…guess they feel it is better to see my face than to shank me in the kidneys….har, har, har.
Lot of shit spoken here, I know the real reason why “Lucy” left, nowt to do with petty backstabbing.
@Hypocrisy_Central Fact is, you play the “victim” role so well, which kinda makes sense.
I myself have no particular interest in you & pay very little attention to the drama that you attract, just another name on a screen.
^ I myself have no particular interest in you & pay very little attention to the drama that you attract, just another name on a screen….]
Strangely enou8gh, a name you seem to have much to comment on, even now whenever something is said in a thread…..hope your ignoring me works better in 2015. ~~ :-0
Dude, seriously, listen to yourself :D
Dude, you are not suppose to care or pay attention to anything I say or how I say it. Just saying :-D
Deluded victim prick, I said I had no particular interest in you or pay very little attention to the drama you attract.
May help you if you could get these simple basic facts right, now go misquote someone else.
Hmm…perhaps I should try to lighten the mood…
Guess how I like my coffee? I like my coffee how I like my women; WITH MY DICK IN IT, OOOOOOOOH!! Boink’a boink’a boink’a boink’a!
I think he’s missing FutureMemory….a lot!
Look lol.
And omg copy paste on a tablet is BULLSHIT. That took me like five minutes to do!
Dude wtf. Lol, nice. :D
But they need Bootsy in there. :D
Um…..did I concoct an insult? If I was insulted how is that a imagined attack? Guess I am just suppose to be insulted and not be victimized by it….OH SNAP! I missed that memo, unless it applies to everyone here who gets insulted Ha ha ho ho ho….
You meant just one ^, a double would have been back on your own post. However, I am sure none of this will make much sense to anyone, (not that it does now), when the mods blank it all out…....ENJOY, while it last! Har har har
Oh it makes perfect sense, as I said, for you to play the victim, a role that suits you just fine.
Thanks for the amusement, of sorts.
Whatever you say…I command you to have the last word, off to something more exciting….maybe I will ask another fashion question on women clothes….see you there, I know I will. :-D
Hahahahahaha, typical Fluther. A thread that had turned positive & fun gets twisted & negative because morons become offended & shit, what a fucking pathetic stain they are.
Still, nothing to see here, nowt new at least.
^um, you are the only one calling people names and being negative. just sayin’. ;)
Damnit you negative Nancies, now I just lost my boner.
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