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talljasperman's avatar

Is Clark Kent pretending to be short-sighted or near-sighted?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) January 15th, 2015

Where did he get his glasses? What is the prescription of his glasses? Also what colour is his eyes?

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13 Answers

ucme's avatar

There’s fuck all wrong with his eyesight, he gave himself laser eye surgery when sitting up close to a mirror, that shit bounced right off & fixed his blue eyes in an instant.
He fashioned those glasses out of liquorice & gypsy tears.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Neither. The lenses were clear glass.

The important part of the glasses were the temples (on the frame), each of which were filled with tiny fuel cells. On the back of each ear was a tiny electrode that charged the battery that was embedded in the back of his skull.

Why, you ask?

X-ray vision takes a lot of effort on the lens optic nerve. Superman needed a pretty good supply of power (in the embedded battery) in order to use X-ray vision for more than a minute at a time, So when he was in his Clark Kent persona, the fuel cells in the physical glasses were actually charging the battery.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Clark Kent is Superman making fun of regular men. It is performance art only he gets.

Dutchess_III's avatar

He uses the glasses as a disguise. Can you imagine if Superman had bad eyesight? “Damn! Smacked into that building again!”

Cruiser's avatar

All that flying above the clouds exposed him to elevated levels of UV radiation and gave him advanced stage cataracts. All that laser vision shit didn’t help matters. The cornea transplants he got is why he had to wear those coke bottle glasses.

kritiper's avatar

Short sighted.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

FYI, nearsighted is the answer.

jaytkay's avatar

If he is near-sighted, he should be SUPER near-sighted.

Like Mr. Magoo.

Stinley's avatar

Pedant alert – I know how to hijack a fun thread…

Aren’t short sighted and near sighted the same thing? Long/far sighted being the opposite?

Cruiser's avatar

@Stinley Short sight and near sighted are very different. Short sighted is where short people can see long distances and it is not politically correct to pick on people who are height deficient so stop that!

Stinley's avatar

Pedantic and heightist? I’m on fire today…

fluthernutter's avatar

Near-sighted and short-sighted are both terms for myopia. Though short-sighted also has the meaning that they are poor at planning for the future.

Did you ever read the what-if series where he knocks up Lois Lane and she dies in childbirth? I’d say Superman was short-sighted and pretending to be near-sighted.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Laughing! Now, who is pregnant? (Besides my son and his wife and just found out yesterday that it is a boy!)
Oh. Wait. “Pedantic.” I don’t even know what that means. Don’t think it means pregnant tho…..

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