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rojo's avatar

Is there a correlationship between high blood pressure and feeling the cold?

Asked by rojo (24187points) January 19th, 2015

Or is it something to do with a slower metabolism with age?

Doc says bp has gone up and I have noticed that this winter I have really been feeling the cold a lot more than I normally do.

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4 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

I have read that certain BP meds which then thin the blood can cause one to feel colder. If you are not on meds….than I don’t have an answer for you.

gailcalled's avatar

…“healthy people may also find themselves feeling colder than they used to. Among the reasons: a decrease in circulation as the walls of the blood vessels lose their elasticity and the thinning of the fat layer under the skin that helps conserve body heat. And as people age, their metabolic responses to the cold may be slower. Vasoreceptors, for example, may not be as quick to direct blood vessels to constrict to keep the body temperature up. NYT

rojo's avatar

“thinning of the fat layer” haha I wish!

gailcalled's avatar

it is sadly true also that we lose most of the layer of fat at the bottom of our feet as we age, giving us chronically sore feet and the need to wear cushioned shoes, sneakers or Dr. Scholl padded insoles in our Manolo Blahniks.

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