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talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) too much information (Details Inside) health question. What should I do?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) January 20th, 2015

Ok. you clicked on the button so you were warned.
Twice this week i’ve crapped myself coming home from Dr.‘s appointments. I’m told it might be my back pain medication. What should I do…? i’m packing lots of toilet paper, and I have some male guards. I don’t have enough money for Pepto Bismol. I have just enough money to take two cab rides to the psychiatrists appointment tomorrow and I have a repair guy fixing my smoke detector at close to the same time and he doesn’t have a key. Help?!

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11 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

@ragingloli Where would I get one?

ragingloli's avatar

ask your doctor

talljasperman's avatar

In the meantime what do you suggest.

Cruiser's avatar

You sound stressed and I would say severely stressed. You should first consult with your doctor and that said there are many ways you can mitigate stress on your own. Diet and exercise are crucial to healthy lifestyle. Avoiding alcohol, drugs…cigarettes which are stressors is a big part. You may need more fiber in your diet and hydration….if you do not drink sufficient water you will get diarrhea.

Time to take inventory of what you do and don’t do to lead a healthier lifestyle.

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chyna's avatar

Adult diapers for now. I know you probably don’t have the money for them, but I don’t know what else to do until you can get this under control. It could be stress, it could be something like colitis, it really could be anything. You really need to ask your doctor.
I’m sorry this is adding to your present situation.

jca's avatar

Maybe it’s diarrhea from something you ate. From your previous descriptions of your meals, they seem loaded with grease (you talk about fried chicken and stuff like that). If you have diarrhea and you fart, that might be the problem. Try something over the counter that is for diarrhea and see if that helps. If you have prescription coverage, get something from your doctor. Make sure you tell him so he can address it.

Adagio's avatar

Why not speak to your doctor if you think it could be caused by a particular medication, there is very likely another medication she/he could prescribe instead. And if it’s not caused by medication then I’m sure your doctor can be of assistance.

gondwanalon's avatar

Since you don’t have money. Here’s a cheap way to go. Try cutting two leg holes on a new plastic trash bag. Put the bag on and tape around the leg holes. Wad up TP and place it in your butt area. Put on underwear and loose fitting pants.
Good luck and good health to you!

talljasperman's avatar

Ok I used my pocket change and bought some generic pepdol bismuth.

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