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ragingloli's avatar

Based solely on looks, how would you rank the various iterations of the Enterprise?

Asked by ragingloli (52368points) January 22nd, 2015

From best to worst:
E, B, F, A, D, C, TOS, NX, J, JarJarprise

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12 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

The USS Enterprise?

ragingloli's avatar

Is there any other?

Buttonstc's avatar


Could you drop me a clue regarding JarJarprise? Google yielded no definitive results.

I’m a pretty decent (altho not obsessive-compulsive) ST fan and have watched each of the series but I don’t recall seeing JarJar-anything unless it was in a Star Wars film.

Is this some kind of esoteric concoction of fan fiction or what?

osoraro's avatar

I’m a TOS guy, so I’m going with that one.

Dutchess_III's avatar


dappled_leaves's avatar

I’d have to say NCC-1701. It has a kind of beautiful retro feel, while still managing to look sleeker than later models. Its immediate successors are too chunky for me. Some of the others have weird attributes that I don’t care for (like, what’s with the Joe Louis in the front of NCC-1701-D?). And that whole detachable saucer thing. I never liked that.

zenvelo's avatar

Better as CVA- 65 than CVN-65.

ragingloli's avatar

The one from the JarJar Abrams movies.

Buttonstc's avatar


We are talking about the primary spaceship in the Star Trek series.

If you’re not a fan of the show then it’s a moot point.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

We could talk about the Klingon Bird of Prey B’rel-class, a far more elegant vessel.

talljasperman's avatar

I would like to know more about Rachel Garrett from the Enterprise C. She was killed off way too fast.

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