What's a random piece of trivia you might want to share?
Asked by
ucme (
January 24th, 2015
I just learned that the collective term for a group of cats is a clowder can also be known as a glaring or a clutter
Like I said, random trivia, but it caught my attention, however briefly.
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33 Answers
Detroit is north of Canada.
One of my favorites.
Everytime we urinate a small amount of urine is secreted in our saliva. haha
If you have a spinning hard drive in your computer there is a head that flies around over a spinning metal disk.
This is like a 747 flying at the speed of sound a inch over a field. While counting every blade of grass. Seriously folks, make back-ups of important data.
@jaytkay Detroit is south of Windsor, Ontario – but I think you’ll find that most of Canada is well north of Detroit. :)
For this reason, people have speculated that the line in Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’” (”... Born and raised in south Detroit…”) can only mean Windsor! But apparently they just thought lyrics sounded better using “south” than other cardinal directions.
Contrary to popular belief, Obama was not born in Kenya.
Reno Nevada is further west than Los Angeles California.
The plastic tips on your shoelaces are called aglets.
When blasting a tunnel through rock, you angle the outside row of drill holes outward to insure that the tunnel doesn’t get narrower and narrower.
Two of Alfred Hitchcock’s favourite movies were Smokey and the Bandit & Benji…WTF!!
Dynamite, when burned in a fire, does not explode.
@ucme I know…WTF indeed! haha
I never saw the appeal of those scruffy little snaggle toothed dog movies. I guess children liked them but I thought that dog was the fugliest little muttley mutt ever. lol
The term “Stir crazy” originated in medieval times when prisoners were made to stir large vats of hops for ale making. The fumes of the hops caused confusion and inebriation, hence..“stir crazy.”
@Coloma Haha, I saw Benji at the cinema as a kid & quite liked it :D
Now Lassie, that shit just makes you puke!
@dappled_leaves Detroit is south of Windsor, Ontario
No, Detroit is north of Windsor Canada.
@jaytkay Yes, sorry – that’s what I meant to say. That should be clear from the rest of what I wrote.
No. Detroit is east of Coloma. lol
Detroit is east of Coloma
The “doughnut hole” through certain letters is called a “counter”.
How many continents there are in the world depends on where you live. In America we are taught there are 7. In other parts of the world they are taught there are 6. Some others 5. Which brings us to the second bit of trivia. The 5 rings in the Olympics symbol represent the 5 continents.
Detroit is south of Windsor Castle.
Reading with dim light doesn’t cause you eye problems. Reading with too bright light does.
In the new movie American Sniper, Chris Ryan is depicted as killing the deadly sniper Mustafa.
In truth, Mustafa was killed by another American, and Ryan made that clear in his book.
The internet is the way we communicate now. Back in the day, Morse code was the way people communicated over the lines. The last commercial U.S. ship to shore telegram message was sent to President Bill Clinton on July 12, 1999. That date marked the end of the rise of the telegraph system and ushered in the new wave of Internet communications.
Prince Philip has been made a Knight of the Order of Australia by Australia’s insane Prime Minister. :-| I suppose he’s now Sir Prince Philip…
Miniature Dachshunds and Standard Dachshunds compete in the same AKC class. There is not a separate breed standard for Miniature Dachshunds. The only difference is size. They both compete in the Hound Division.
Dachshunds are one of the older recognized breeds, the first mention of them is in a German Jagerbuchen from about 1450. Standards went after the European Badgers (just nasty beasts and miniatures were used to flush rabbits and game birds for falconers.
Did you know that counterfeit wine is big business? I’m being blown away right now watching the documentary “Sour grapes” about a multi-million dollar fraudulent rare wine scam.
As with any group of dogs, a collection of dachshunds would be called a “pack”.
As most modern dachshund owners know, most modern dachshunds are not really great dogs to go out during a rain shower…or even a light sprinkle—for any reason—a walk, to pee or poop, chase a squirrel, bark at the neighbor’s dog….nothing…
There is a special name for a pack of dachshunds during rainy weather…
Just call them “Dackel”, seriously.
Or, in the alternative, Teckel…
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