Meta Question

ucme's avatar

Can anyone recall the first jelly they interacted with on becoming a member here?

Asked by ucme (50052points) January 24th, 2015

By way of a welcome and/or responding to your first ever post.
I remember two members, who are no longer active, who greeted me warmly & were also the first to answer on my original question.
Memories, misty water colo…ahem, that’s enough of that, do carry on.

This question should be taken at face value, no really =D}

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39 Answers

jonsblond's avatar


ucme's avatar

Oops, forgot to name mine…Dog & Red PowerLady.

chyna's avatar

Supermouse. Miss her!

dappled_leaves's avatar

The first question I answered was asked by @rebbel. My first real interaction was with @Hypocrisy_Central, who sent me a lovely welcome message.

Coloma's avatar

Just Justine who later morphed into Shippy who has now shipped out for the last few years or so.

jca's avatar

No. It was sooo long ago. At the time, there were not many people on the site. I can remember about 5 names who were on here then. Of those, 3 are still here, two left.

Adagio's avatar


Tropical_Willie's avatar

BEN, but that was a looong time ago.

cookieman's avatar

@marinelife (now known as @marina). A lovely person for sure.

Berserker's avatar

I don’t remember specifically who was the exact first person I ever spoke to on here. Dog and The_Police are two very early interactions I remember, they helped me with my Xena question. But were they the first ones…well fucks if I know, I was always drunk back then. and am now

ucme's avatar

@offendedhuffbots Than…oh, never mind :D
Yeah, I have no idea who asked the first question I answered or who answered first on mine.
Some stuff gets lost in time, like a fart in a hurricane…poof & it’s gone.

dxs's avatar

I don’t know, I don’t want to know, and it’s not easy for me to find out.
On this account, @XOIIO answered my first question, and so did @flutherother.
Lucille^3 gave me a Fluther welcome, and so did @KatetheGreat (whoa, I talked with her on this account!)

longgone's avatar

Bellatrix sent me a sweet PM, and Auggie welcomed me, too.

@Adirondackwannabe taught me a very important rule: “Don’t argue with crazy people!”

Mariah's avatar

Auggie was one of the first to talk to me in a thread and I think Jan sent me my first PM.

Feels like a very long time ago now! I was 17!

johnpowell's avatar

Kevbo was the first person that I actually started thinking of as a real person.

Riser was the first person that I started contacting outside of Fluther. Instead of fluther he would just call if he needed help with his computer.

Mimishu1995's avatar

One of the people who answered my first question was @ragingloli.

The first person to thank me for my post was @Tropical_Willie.

The first to acknowledge my existence seemed to be @ibstubro.

The person who taught me some of Fluther’s rules was @Adirondackwannabe.

ucme's avatar

Hey look, a question without incident, how quaint…cheers peeps :)

Unbroken's avatar

I had a lot questions first thing I can’t remember who answered the very first one. I know @Bellatrix, @janbb, @snowberry and several others were the first to answer my questions. @tom_g I believe was the first to welcome me. I never introduced myself officially. @Adirondackwannabe was the first to interact and send me a message.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think it was Wyundutta.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, here is the first question I ever asked.

ucme's avatar

^ Hee-hee, I just answered a really old question.

rojo's avatar

Evidently This was my first question and @Judi was the first responder. Sad thing is that I don’t believe anyone who answered is still with us.

oddly though, I don’t think that is right. Seems like I had a more personal question that led me here in the first place

wilma's avatar

@buster sent me my first message.
My first question was:

edit, it seems it’s been so long since I have posted here, I can’t remember how to do a proper link.

Dutchess_III's avatar

” ” : @wilma (no spaces)

zenzen's avatar

This has been asked afew times, and I’m sure I am not 100% positive of the initial interactions here and meetings. It was very different then. Andrew Pmed me right away… Gail was one of the first to adopt and tolerate me…Auggie, Lisa… MatteBrowne was one of my first close friends here and we even interacted outside of fluther…. Lets see… Filmfann will say I was his first, but I remember asking a question or two thousand… Literallyy, and the same handful of people would be there in the post daily… There were no awards and bells and whistles back then…. Just a little family of jellies… Wunday… Which was called… Ryan was always there and helpful… Jons and blondes… The wisdomers u know who u are… Bens aunt and last but certainly not least, Ben himself… Whom I miss along with Andrew… The place is NOT the same, and, if I have left anyone out sorry. Fluther today is very very different from the late oughts… Hope it keeps together and flourishes… But alas, i am rarely here now. Sorry this was so,long; I didn’t have time to write a short one.

Unbroken's avatar

I am now remembering @yarnlady @Adagio @SUPERMOUSE quietly answering me when everyone else seemed to ignore me. After that @Wundy @Shippy @bookish1 @Coloma and @Adirondackwannabe were always friendly people that answered and engaged me. I think without them I would have moved on. This is the first forum I maintained activity in so I am always feel like I’m learning how to be social.

Most of those people are permanently gone or lurkers.

zenzen's avatar

And who could forget the old Zebra. Man, those were some strange times.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m still in contact with Zeebra. He just sent me some lamb stew the other day and I lived to tell about it. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait…where is Adirondacwannabe???

Mariah's avatar

He’s still around!

zenzen's avatar

@Dutchess_III @adirondackalele is also a great jelly… But not from back in the days that @jonsblond is referring to with zebra…

Say hi to the nut from zen wiilya jons?

jonsblond's avatar

Will do Zen. :)

cheebdragon's avatar

Fluther was very different back in the day. It was pretty much downhill after the whole Twitter thing.
I think the first person I really chatted with was probably SndfrQ, johnpowell or gail.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wow. Lots of cool people showing up today! Hi @cheebdragon! Maybe it’s time for me to make a post about food stamps and slippers again. :)

Berserker's avatar

@Dutchess_III Hahaha oh shit, I totally remember that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

At least I’ll be remembered for something here! :(

Berserker's avatar

Cmon home splice, we’ll remember you for a whole lot more than that. :)

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