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canidmajor's avatar

A question about actors who play Sherlock (please see details)

Asked by canidmajor (21766points) January 25th, 2015

I have watched both the BBC Sherlock and ABC’s Elementary.
I am curious, if you’ve seen both modern day portrayals of Doyle’s famous detective, whom do you like better in the role: Benedict Cumberbatch or Jonny Lee Miller? (And for all of you who automatically detest all things American, remember that Jonny Lee Miller is British.)
This is about the actors, not the shows themselves.

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17 Answers

ucme's avatar

Best Sherlock – Basil Rathbone
Worst Sherlock – Christopher Plummer
Those two fall somewhere in between, I care not where.

canidmajor's avatar

So, in other words, you are just posting on this thread with no appropriate answer to the Q.

ragingloli's avatar

Benedict Cabbagepatch of course.
I have not seen the colonial version, but I heard only bad things about it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, at least @ucme answered, @canidmajor. With the lack of members you should be grateful for small things.

filmfann's avatar

My least favorite? Robert Downey Jr.

My fav? Jeremy Brett or Nichol Williamson.

ucme's avatar

Haha, depends on your point of view @canidmajor & of course your opinion of the actors mentioned, who are both as bad as each other in the role, by my consideration at least.
@filmfann I have to confess, Downey Jr was not at all bad, certainly better than I expected & definitely not as bad as Plummer.

canidmajor's avatar

@Dutchess_III: I am as grateful for his response as I am for yours which is not at all. Neither of which addresses my Q.

ucme's avatar

^ Neither, under your conditions, does @filmfann,‘s consistency is key.

canidmajor's avatar

None here have addressed it, actually. 9 responses, (granted, 3 of them mine) and none have addressed my question.

ucme's avatar

Let me give it a stab then, in my opinion Cumberbatch is least bad of the two.

Pachy's avatar

For me, Basil is the one and only Sherlock Holmes, just as Sean is the one and only Bond, James Bond.

Years ago, a friend of mine spotted Rathbone in an airport terminal gate sitting by himself and looking quite forlorn. My friend, a commercial film director and huge Holmes/Rathbone fan, couldn’t let the opportunity pass and walked over to him, though he was certain he would be rebuffed. Much to his surprise, the actor couldn’t haven’t been friendlier and the two chatted for half an hour.

ragingloli's avatar

I think Cucumberbiotch is great.
Downey’s Sherlock seemed mentally deficient compared to him.

ucme's avatar

Once, just once, would I love to hear Watson utter these words when Holmes states the obvious:
“No shit Sherlock”
I can but dream.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I like Benedict Cumberbatch’s portrayal of Sherlock Homes. However, I’ve only watched the first three episodes so far. I watched Elementary for a while but in the end lost interest and while Miller was good, I find Cumberbatch to be a quirkier Holmes.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Welcome @canidmajor. That was of course meant to be Sherlock HoLmes.

Kardamom's avatar

I love both of them equally, although for very different reasons. I love the whole Sherlock Holmes idea and I like that there are different, yet similar, qualities about them. I love everything British, so both Benedict and Jonny are fabulous!!! Hottie Brits! Also love both Watsons. Great concept, great actors all around.

Don’t forget about Young Sherlock Holmes.V1_SX640_SY720.jpg played by Nicholas Rowe.

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