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Dutchess_III's avatar

Guys, if you got racked just before you fell in deep water, could you drown?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 25th, 2015

Just watched an AFV video. Guy tried to jump from the dock into a boat. Only got one leg in then he went down. He hit the edge of the hull really hard, square in the groin then fell in the water.

I wondered if someone needed to rescue him

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19 Answers

jaytkay's avatar

Yes. I’ve studied Krav Maga for a couple of years. It’s a self-defense class where the goal is, “Escape. If you can’t escape, hit the guy every way possible until you can kick him in the balls.”

It’s all about ending the fight as quickly as possible.

In class, you fight with pads. But occasionally someone goofs and kicks a guy in the groin and that guy’s day is over.

The likelihood of me being in a street fight is near zero. But it’s a hard workout and it’s fun. The self-defense skills are just a bonus.

talljasperman's avatar

Adrenalin would kick in and the pain would go away until the danger has passed.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I’m going to agree with @talljasperman on this one.

Cruiser's avatar

I am a great swimmer and have survived many a mishap in the water the worst was when I did a cannonball into a river and landed right on a sharp rock….while writhing in pain I soon found myself being swept over a waterfall and sucked to the bottom of the waterfall swirl…I thought I was a gonner and minutes later the current pushed me to the surface down river and 40 years later I still have this major dent in my shin bone from that day. #2 on my most painful days ever.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So why doesn’t adrenalin from anger kick in when you get racked by a woman and she runs away?

talljasperman's avatar

@Dutchess_III Because the emergency is over.

jaytkay's avatar

So why doesn’t adrenalin from anger kick in when you get racked by a woman and she runs away?

You can quickly recover from some hits. Not from a hard kick in the balls.

Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you? It’s like that with an extra dose of severe pain.

osoraro's avatar

I don’t know what “racked” means.

Cruiser's avatar

@Dutchess_III Because a well aimed kick to the balls or other form of trauma to the testicles is as close as you will ever come to death and during the experience of having your testicles harmed in any way…you will beg for death to put a stop that incredible pain. Trust me… been there more times that I can count on 3 fingers. :(

Dutchess_III's avatar

@osoraro Racked is when a guy gets hit or kicked in the balls. I mean testicles. You see.

So @Cruiser, if it’s that bad, as and it happened just before you fell in the water, could you drown? It’s somewhere in the middle of this

Cruiser's avatar

Yes @Dutchess_III you would have a near impossible time not inhaling the entire pool, lake river the moment of getting blasted in the balls.

wsxwh111's avatar

I‘ve seen a research saying that when you get racked, the pain is 10 (or 100, I can’t remember) times as the pain of a lady who’s giving birth to a baby.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How could they compare the two?

wsxwh111's avatar

By testing the reaction of nerves in the brains, I think

osoraro's avatar

Um, so I guess the answer is yes. Especially if you don’t know how to swim.

Sinqer's avatar

I wouldn’t drown, but falling onto a hard object, like the side of a boat, is far different than being kicked. I played soccer for 15 years almost non-stop. I free-balled it, no cup, wearing boxers. I’ve been kick many times by people with seriously powerful legs. It hurts, no doubt, but I don’t crumple when I get kicked in the nuts. If a girl thinks kicking me in the nuts is going to stop me from doing something, she’s dead wrong, not even close. Though I can’t think of anything I would do that would truly warrant such an act. But then again, not all people need their actions warranted to perform them. If she wasn’t in trouble before she kicked me, kicking me in the balls will have me treating her the same as any other person that assaults me.

I’d swim to shore, and then complain and smoke a cigarette if I didn’t think it serious enough for an ambulance.

Blondesjon's avatar

Heh heh heh. Balls.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I could drown even if my nards were intact. I would guess the pain would be bad but adrenaline would kick in and the full measure of pain would not kick in until danger was over.

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