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JLeslie's avatar

Democrats: Which Republican will you be willing to consider voting for to be the next US President?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) January 25th, 2015 from iPhone

I’m just curious to see who might have a chance with registered Democrats and why.

Or, even if you won’t vote for them, maybe at minimum which republican won’t really bother you if they win.

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19 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

There aren’t any. Republican platforms/values are 100% against everything that I value and believe in. That’s why I’m not a Republican.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I’m not a us citizen but that was a great answer @Kardamom

gorillapaws's avatar

George Bush senior. He went to war and raised taxes to pay for it. He opposed what he labeled as “voodoo economics,” i.e. Reagan’s trickle down economics. He’s the last true fiscal conservative the Republicans have ever had in the Executive.

zenvelo's avatar

Nobody on the scene right now. The only Republican I ever voted for President was Reagan in November 1980. I regretted it right after I pulled the lever.

jonsblond's avatar

The only Republican I voted for was McCain.

Hillary or Bust.

jaytkay's avatar

Nelson Rockefeller and Gerald Ford were the last reasonable Republicans running for president. George H W Bush tainted himself consorting with Reagan.

Pandora's avatar

Ok, so I took a brief moment to look up some possible candidates to see if there are any whom seem reasonable, and I find them sorely lacking. So, unless they find someone who seems to have common sense and isn’t under the thumb of the tea party, than I will have to say no.

Oops, Almost had one for a second and then I read more on his bio. Bob Ehrlich may not be an extreme conservative but there are some issues that I would have a hard time voting for him. Anyway. Only way I would vote for a republican is if all democrats are dead.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Lincoln. I would vote for Abraham Lincoln. Though if Lincoln were alive today he’d probably be a Democrat.

Buttonstc's avatar

If Elizabeth Warren ever returned to the Republican party I could see myself voting for her without holding my nose.

But I don’t see that as at all liikely, so…

johnpowell's avatar

Probably Chris Christie. I wouldn’t actually vote for him but I wouldn’t be terribly upset if he won. He is a total panderer and I doubt he could do much in four years. I would say the governor of Oregon and the Mayor of Portland have more of a direct influence over my daily life. I lived through Bush and I can probably live through Ted Cruz too.

I would also be happy with Mitch McConnell. But that is just because I love it when Jon Stewart impersonates him.

1TubeGuru's avatar

I would consider voting for Jon Huntsman. he is a non neocon moderate republican who was a excellent governor .he is a two time US ambassador and he has a firm grasp on world affairs.

jca's avatar

The only Republican in recent history that I have (or had) liked is (was) NJ Governor Chris Christie. I know that some Conservatives hate him because they call him a Democrat. I saw him interviewed by Oprah once, not on her regular Oprah show, (I never watched that) but her interview show. I liked what he said. I like what he says when he is on our news all the time (NY/NJ/CT “Tri-State area”). However, Bridge-Gate didn’t sit quite right with me and I would think long and hard about him right now, were I even to consider him at all.

I am a Democrat and hopefully the Dems put someone up who is good and solid. What the Repubs put up last election was pathetic, to me, with Romney and his comments about the poor.

It should be interesting.

wsxwh111's avatar

I wanna say nobody, too…

elbanditoroso's avatar

Too early to say. The Bozo clowns are still all piling out of the Volkswagen.

janbb's avatar

@jca @johnpowell Many of us in NJ can’t stand Christie. He is much more Conservative than he likes to appear, anti-unions and anit-teachers. And a big bully. He has little nuance and although his tough guy talks are appealing at times, I can’t imagine as a diplomatic player on the world stage.

Brian1946's avatar


Are there any results from the probe of allegations that Christie diverted money intended for Sandy relief away from its victims, and instead spent it on a tourism commercial for NJ?

I also read that Christie the Hutt played a part in banning Tesla from selling its own cars in NJ, thereby ensuring that buying a car in NJ will continue to suck.

janbb's avatar

@Brian1946 I have to confess I didn’t follow those stories that closely; my impressions are more general. It’s hard to imagine that he didn’t know about Bridgegate as it happened though.

kritiper's avatar

Chris Christie.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Yeah, that’s what the White House needs – more corruption. Who wouldn’t vote for that?

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