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ucme's avatar

What if God was one of us?

Asked by ucme (50052points) January 26th, 2015

Just a slob like one of us?
Blu, blu, blu, blu, blu…

The “us” does not refer to jellies, dear me no.
Humanity is where you want to be, kinda.

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16 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

I am here. I just killed two bed bugs on my ceiling.

gondwanalon's avatar

Well God isn’t one of us but His name is Obama.

elbanditoroso's avatar

If he was among “us”, he wouldn’t be god.

ucme's avatar

@elbanditoroso Omnipotent…doo doo do doodoo, omnipotent…do doo do doo…

ragingloli's avatar

He would be in jail. For a very, very long time.
Or hiding in Argentina.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@ragingloli – the Argentinian-Iranian terror groups would have shot him.

zenvelo's avatar

Hmmm. Some say the Divine is in each and all of us. True Christians (no, not the right wing Levitican evangelical kind) believe what Jesus said : ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

Haleth's avatar

Ugh, thanks for the earworm :p

kritiper's avatar

He, if there is a he and if he is indeed a he, IS one of us. After all, man created God in his own image.

cookieman's avatar

needless trivia
Prince wrote that song for Joan Osborn.

ibstubro's avatar

What if one of us was God?

Unbroken's avatar

Zzzzzz…. God has left the building. If god died would his consciousness be recycled into the ether to utilized by all willing souls. Sort of like a tree decaying but in it’s decay creating prime nutrient rich environment to feed new life. And replenish what is existing around it. Would his “tree” have the impact of a MOAB?

ZEPHYRA's avatar

He might have been slightly less cruel.

ucme's avatar

Bless you all, the long & the short & the tall.

rojo's avatar

In the beginning Man created God;
and in the image of Man
created he him.

And Man gave unto God a multitude of
names,that he might be Lord of all
the earth when it was suited to Man

And on the seven millionth
day Man rested and did lean
heavily on his God and saw that
it was good.

And Man formed Aqualung of
the dust of the ground, and a
host of others likened unto his kind.

And these lesser men were cast into the
void; And some were burned, and some were
put apart from their kind.

And Man became the God that he had
created and with his miracles did
rule over all the earth.

But as all these things
came to pass, the Spirit that did
cause man to create his God
lived on within all men: even
within Aqualung.

And man saw it not.

But for Christ’s sake he’d
better start looking.

Mastema's avatar

God does not exist however, he exists only in the believer’s mind. It’s all relative to the size of your steeple.

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