Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Has anyone ever written you a bad check?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 26th, 2015

And what was their response when you told them?

When I had the day care I had one gal write me a check that bounced. When I called her husband answered. I politely told him that the check had come back, and asked if he had the cash to cover it. There was absolutely nothing accusatory in my voice (I mean, shit happens, you know?) but boy did he get on the defensive.
“Are you accusing my wife of writing bad checks?!!” He snarled.
“Well, uh, I have this check in my hand…...”
And when I asked about cash he snarled, “So you’re saying our checks aren’t good enough for you?”
I was kind of speechless!

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9 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

We get a couple bouncers a year most often we have to re-run the check and it will clear. It is the net 30’s who drop out of business and stiff you that are the worst.

elbanditoroso's avatar

No, or at least if they did it was so long ago that it has disappeared from memory.

I wrote one bad one when I was in college (30+ years ago). My parents hadn’t put money in my account that month. Fortunately, the guy who I wrote it to was very understanding. No hrm, no foul.

ragingloli's avatar

We do not use those here.

ucme's avatar

Talking about bad checks, a redneck went to the hardware store & asked for tartan paint.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

We used to own a business that worked with the general public and yes, people would occasionally give us bouncers. In most cases, when we challenged them, they came in and paid.

I haven’t written a cheque for years. I don’t think many businesses would accept one these days unless it was through the post and they could bank and clear it before releasing goods or services.

JLeslie's avatar

@Dutchess_III That story is something you should send in to a sitcom writer. In fact, I know someone who writes jokes for sitcoms and I am tempted to send the story to him if you give me your permission to.

No on has written me a bad check, but when I worked retail we used to get them. We hated taking checks. They were a pain in the neck to get authorized and they can bounce.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Go ahead, @JLeslie! Could change my life!

Send him here while you’re at it. (Would he credit me?)

tedibear's avatar

Only once. I let a friend use my credit card to buy tickets to a ballet. She wrote me a check and it bounced. I called her and she was very embarrassed. She had forgotten to deposit her paycheck. I waited a week to redeposit it and it was fine.

kritiper's avatar

Yes. As a business owner, I get them from time to time. Return them with a $25 check return fee included.

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