General Question

dopeguru's avatar

Is it possible to build back old bridges in love?

Asked by dopeguru (1928points) January 26th, 2015

If you were seeing a girl/guy, but you didn’t end up liking them much and you ended it… Could it change once you start seeing them sometime later? Or is it impossible to turn from 3/10 to 10/10 at love relationships.

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6 Answers

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Highly unlikely. If you don’t like someone, unless something has drastically changed, it’s unlikely you will suddenly find them highly alluring. If someone who had broken up with me because they didn’t like me started seeing me again, I’d be very suspicious of their motives.

AshLeigh's avatar

People change as they grow. Sometimes we grow differently. If growing apart is possible, why would growing together again be impossible?

SloanFaunus's avatar

Love is merely a process of chemical reactions that (although case sensitive, psychologically) can and will be repeated throughout most people’s lifetimes. We can manipulate this process and when I say manipulate, I mean that if you care more about a principle than petty details, then you can put yourself in the right place and mindset. Loving someone for a long period of time depends heavily on circumstance and how much you recognize the situation. It’s possible to have a falling out with someone and reconnect. We do it all of the time. I think that your idea of love pertains to a very specific category (not to be confused with lust) and if you broadened your perspective of the concept, you’d have a much easier time putting things into perspective.

SloanFaunus's avatar

Well, technically you didn’t say love, but I suppose if you were that interested then we could assume it is a “love” interest that you are inquiring about.

dappled_leaves's avatar

My understanding of this situation is that someone else told you he “didn’t like you” – is that right? Isn’t this the perfect opportunity to ask him about this directly? It must be driving you crazy wondering what is going on in his head. There is only one way to find out.

josie's avatar

Nobody knows where it is love goes
But when it goes its gone, gone.

-Bruce Springsteen

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