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Dutchess_III's avatar

So what are your thoughts on the Hershey's / Cadbury fuss?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 27th, 2015

I have a friend on facebook who I have a lot in common with. She usually posts scientific articles and other more intelligent things. However, she seems to be going into absolute melt down over this Hershey’s issue!

I don’t get it. It’s fecking candy. Who cares? Do you get it?

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56 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

I just bought out the entire supply of King Dons from Sobeys. Just in case. I left one. I got 8 or so boxes of 8. 64 King Dons.

Cruiser's avatar

I don’t know what the “fuss” is you are referring to, but people did the same thing when Twinkies were discontinued. Not the F’n end of the world…

Dutchess_III's avatar

But Twinkies haven’t been discontinued.

Here is the fuss.

marinelife's avatar

Cadbury’s was quite a superior chocolate. Now, it’s been cheapened and ruined.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I’m bitter about it. But it’s sweet to hear that so many people care. Sort of like the milk of human kindness showing through.

But I am an old has-bean…

gorillapaws's avatar

I think the Queen should get involved.

longgone's avatar

Oh, sad news for you guys. Hershey’s is evil.

Maybe Cadbury will need to offer all their products in Germany, to make up for the loss in revenue?

zenvelo's avatar

People get used to a quality product, enjoy it, look forward to it. When it gets debased or altered, it upsets people because they are being put in a position to accept an inferior product.

People chose Cadbury Chocolates over Hershey Chocolates long ago, and now their choice is out the window.

People in Great Britain are upset too, because the Cadbury Eggs come in boxes of 5 this year instead of the usual 6. Another example of the arbitrary metricization of perfectly good products.

ucme's avatar


zenvelo's avatar

@ucme oompa loompas!

ucme's avatar

@zenvelo Good catch

JLeslie's avatar

What is the fuss? I know nothing.

Berserker's avatar

Oompa loompa, loompitty doo, what do you do when your Hershey tastes like ass?
Then you just eat some more ass, some more, dirty mother fuh kin ass.


Lightlyseared's avatar

Given how awful Hershey’s is I’m not surprised people are kicking up a stink

ucme's avatar

I don’t know if you yanks get Cadbury’s Fudge over there, basically a stick of chocolate with fudge filling.
Any local girls who are, err…knicker droppers, were known as “Fudge” after the song in the commercial.
“A finger of fudge is just enough to give your kids a treat”

tinyfaery's avatar

Cadbury is way too milky. I couldn’t care less.

Coloma's avatar

What, no more Cadbury bunnies? :-(

janbb's avatar

Much prefer Cadbury’s; never buy Hershey’s any more. It is a shame but I’d rather solve the issue of climate change given the choice.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m not heartbroken over it. When I was a kid I loved Cadbury.

I’m way more bothered by the fact that America doesn’t import Coffee Crisp from Canada. I think that is Nestle.

ragingloli's avatar

Knowing nothing about either one, I think it is high time for the British Empire to take the colonies back by force.

ragingloli's avatar

I am sure the Queen, by the Will of God, could convince both China and Russia to assist them in this noble goal.

JLeslie's avatar

If they take us back then I can live anywhere in the European Union right? No paperwork needed?

ragingloli's avatar

Not if the EU kicks the Brits out, or the Brits leave the EU.

Coloma's avatar

Reminds me of this video I saw awhile back. Sad. These cocoa bean plantation workers didn’t even know what the cocoa beans were used for.

talljasperman's avatar

How did we go from chocolate to invasion.

JLeslie's avatar

It’s @ragingloli‘s fault.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s always @ragingloli‘s fault!

ragingloli's avatar

It is not an invasion. It is crushing an over 200 years long treasonous rebellion.

janbb's avatar

There is a play by Shaw in which America comes to England and says we want to come back, and the Brits are horrified at the prospect. It’s called The Apple Cart.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sticking my tongue out at @ragingloli and waggling my hands with my thumbs in my ears.

talljasperman's avatar

@ragingloli If U.S.A. is invaded then the invading army is liable for the outstanding debt. Go for it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We’re not going to invade them. What would we want with a stinky little island?!

Each country is responsible for their own debts.

talljasperman's avatar

Wonder if WWIII is over chocolate. What other bogus reasons for war has happened in history.

jca's avatar

If I were a Cadbury’s fan, I might be upset. It reminds me of the Hostess Twinkies thing, when Hostess closed down, (even though it turned out to be short lived) and people thought they’d no longer be able to get Hostess products. People bought out all the Hostess crap and shelves were empty. If I cared about Hostess or ate their products I would have given a damn. I didn’t really care about that and like I said, if I were into Cadbury’s I would be upset now, but I am not into it so no biggie.

janbb's avatar

There was a book called “The Chocolate Wars.”

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@ragingloli English girly men vs an army of rednecks armed to the teeth….good luck.

I could care less about Cadbury or Hershey, neither companies actually make what I would consider to be chocolate.

tinyfaery's avatar

^That’s offensive to both parties.

Here2_4's avatar

I sort of expected the Queen to suggest a merger, and ask if her grandsons would then be eligible to run for President.
@ragingloli , intended in the friendliest of ways…

canidmajor's avatar

Hahaha, @ragingloli , did the USA spurn your love? You sound like a smitten swain who was rejected. So much extreme resentment, so little reason.

ragingloli's avatar

*lots of reasons

canidmajor's avatar

Not “reasons”, @ragingloli , “reason”, as in “sound judgment; good sense” or
“normal or sound powers of mind; sanity.”

ragingloli's avatar

anti americanism is the only sane and reasonable position to hold in this day and age, just like being anti-nazi was the only rational position during WW2

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, sweetie, this must just distress you so. Maybe if you apply again they’ll let you in.

janbb's avatar

Getting back to the subject at hand, I bought three bars of classic Cadbury’s today will probably buy some more soon.

JLeslie's avatar

Good plan. Stock up.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

If people are suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms, perhaps those of us outside the US can send care packages and break the blockade.

janbb's avatar

^^ Will keep that in mind.

longgone's avatar

^ @Earthbound_Misfit If you’re intent on sending parcels of chocolate, postage to Germany is a lot less expensive. Just saying.

Here2_4's avatar

I love Cadbury. The change will be hard to accept. IMO this would be a sory mistake for Hershey’s to make, because all their products will be banned from my shopping list.

JLeslie's avatar

I assume Cadbury will still be in Canada and Mexico? So, we can still get it if we cross a border?

ucme's avatar

I liked the cadbury’s Flake ad with that girl suggestively placing the thing to her open lips.
Combine chocolate with oral sex & serve it as an ad aired when kids are watching…genius.

Sinqer's avatar

Uh, I don’t really care. From the looks of what I read (I had to go read up to find out what it’s about), British chocolate requires a minimum of 20% cocoa, while American requires only 10% to be labeled as chocolate. Other than that, Hershy’s isn’t importing Cadbury anymore. I was never a fan of cadbury chocolate; I even avoid it here in Ireland.
I would wonder what the ‘fuss’ is about exactly: the cocoa%, the end of buying British made cadbury chocolate in the states, the British are upset because an American company made a decision they don’t like? Is there a fuss, or many different fusses? :D

zenvelo's avatar

A Cadbury’s – Hershey’s Taste Test!

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