Social Question

Confronting a roommate about his anger. Is my plan okay?
I need to confront my roommate about his anger problem because he is making life kind of shitty for the rest of us in the apartment.
It’s been an ongoing problem all year that I’ve mostly ignored. It usually happens when we play video games together. He usually wins, but if he loses he will sometimes throw a tantrum and storm off to his room and slam the door. This really pisses me off because the outcome of a video game just seems so incredibly insignificant to me, so I can’t understand why it makes him so angry, and his reaction just sours my mood.
Two nights ago I was in the apartment playing a video game by myself while the other members of my apartment did their own things and passively watched me play. We were all joking around saying really silly things, like my roomies kept calling me “Winner McWinner” because I was doing really well at my game. The whole mood in the apartment felt very light and fun. Then I made a mistake in my game and the roomie this post is about said “Oop I guess now you’re Loser McLoser” which came off to me completely as light joking and I responded in what I thought was the same way “No you’re Ass McAss.” This triggered his incomprehensible anger and he went to his room and slammed the door.
This pissed me right off because it was just the umpteenth time that he’s ruined a night by getting upset on a hair trigger so I started kind of shouting back towards his room along the lines of, “Really? Tonight’s going to be one of those nights, huh?”
Then I packed a bag, went to my boyfriend’s house, and proceeded to get snowed in there so I haven’t seen any of of my roommates since then.
I know that one of my other roommates is upset about us fighting in the apartment and I don’t blame her. I also don’t feel I have done anything wrong, however, and I am not going to fucking apologize about my other roommate’s incomprehensible trigger-happy anger problem.
I am planning to leave a note outside the door of the problematic roommate. I usually feel that confrontations not done face-to-face are cowardly but given that his problem is anger I don’t want to necessarily be around for the immediate fallout. I would rather he calm down before replying to me, so I feel a note would be an OK way to do that.
I have written a note already but I did it the night of the fight, and the tone is a little pissed. I think I have a right to “air my grievances” so to speak and to ask him to shape up because his behavior is frankly ridiculous. But I also want this to be productive, not destructive. The note also contains some advice (e.g. “If something I do pisses you off, please just calmly tell me and I will stop. You do not need to storm off to your room.”)
What do you think about this situation?