General Question

MedDaimi's avatar

Assuming the US reduces coal use due to negative externalities, should the US restrict coal exports to China and India who seek to use and build more coal-fired electrical generating plants?

Asked by MedDaimi (10points) January 28th, 2015

My question has to do with how coal is created and the levels of uranium enrichment necessary for “peaceful energy production” purposes.

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9 Answers

Jaxk's avatar

Coal jobs are already being lost at an alarming rate. If we don’t mine it, it will come from other coal exporting countries. I don’t see any benefit to hurting ourselves in a futile attempt to manage other countries.

Zaku's avatar

Yes. Coal is an awful pollutant, and China is already burning horrible amounts of coal. We should export solar and research safe sustainable waste-free fusion technologies.

josie's avatar

The US restricted oil exports to Japan in the 30’s and thus compelled them to start a war

flutherother's avatar

For what reason would we do that? What are the ‘negative externalities’ you mention. Do you mean pollution and global warming.

Kropotkin's avatar

@flutherother Mercury contamination. Acid rain. Radiation. CO2 emissions.

jerv's avatar

I must question the wisdom of annoying someone who makes so many of our products and whom we owe a fair bit of money.

@Jaxk Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t China hold about $1.3 trillion of our debt?

Jaxk's avatar

^^ About that and another $60 held by India. Our balance of trade is already negative and restricting exports of anything would only serve to grow those numbers bigger.

Jaxk's avatar

^^ Sorry that’s $60 billion.

Zaku's avatar

Here’s another good local reason not to export coal to China, regarding the impact of coal terminals on our local environment and a particular Native American community that would be severely impacted by a new proposed coal terminal:

The page linked also has a petition form, if you want to help.

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