Social Question

longgone's avatar

Do you like [all] children?

Asked by longgone (19927points) January 29th, 2015

I often hear people claim they like children. This usually means all children, though not necessarily everything a child does.

The reverse is also true: People who do not like children rarely make exceptions for individual kids.

This always strikes me as odd. What characteristics do all young humans share? Do you think there is a quality of “childlikeness” which is what we are talking about when we say we (dis)like children? Enthusiasm, maybe? Level of activity?

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32 Answers

syz's avatar

Good Lord, no! I like my niece and nephews, but even those in small time increments.

janbb's avatar

Nope; some are tough and hard to chew.

zenvelo's avatar

I pretty much like all children up to age four or so. Above that age I only like them if they are nice good kids.

Kids above age four, if I don’t like them, I probably don’t like the parents.

JLeslie's avatar

I like most children, not sure I can say all. They are individuals, and I don’t like everyone in the world.

I’ve been spending a lot of time around my boss’s children, especially the youngest one who is two. Spending time with them makes me realize how much I enjoy children.

jonsblond's avatar

When I first moved to the area where we live now the father of one of my daughter’s friends told me there was an opening at the grade school for a teacher’s assistant. He didn’t know me well. I’d rather work as a garbage handler than be detained with dozens of young children all day. I’m not joking

I like most children in small doses. Some are just too loud and rude for my taste.

Unbroken's avatar

I think we are hard wired to be protective of children. The best means of doing this is on a chemical level.

But traits I admire or envy in most children… Curiosity, simplicity, fearlessness, explorative and a thirst for knowledge irrepressible joy at the small things, playfulness and a disregard for time. Most of these traits I try to foster in myself.

longgone's avatar

I do like most children, but there is one pair of siblings I babysit…I don’t even know what it is about them, but they are exhausting to me. I hope they don’t realise this. They probably do, on some level, though I’m careful to be attentive and friendly.

I’ve been thinking about giving up the job. I think children should spend time with adults who like them.

Aster's avatar

No; I’ve never been a “kid” person. I do love babies, though .

gailcalled's avatar

Even when I (and my kids) were young, I wasn’t crazy about most children.

I have three adorable great nephews…11,8, 4…wonderful only in small doses. I am relieved when I get to go home, no matter how much fun they are.

ragingloli's avatar

like despise with the intensity of a thousand suns.

rojo's avatar

I like most kids until they reach that age where they know everything and grow sullen and unresponsive when questioned’ then they can take that whole attitude and shove it.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

No, but I hold no ill will against any child, just super glad they are someone else’s burden, oops sorry, ray of sunshine.

marinelife's avatar

I definitely view children as individuals the same as adults: some I love, some I like, some I don’t care for, and some I find absolutely poisonous.

ucme's avatar

I love, worship & adore my kids, entertained their friends as they grew up & enjoyed it immensely.
However, most kids I fucking loathe with a passion.

flutherother's avatar

Only well behaved ones.

fluthernutter's avatar

I generally like most kids. There’s always a rotten one now and then. But it doesn’t spoil the bunch for me.

Even though I would technically call them kids; I’m not a fan of most teenagers.

As with adults, kids and teenagers are individuals. But there are common behaviors along certain age groups.

Blackberry's avatar

Just like adults: I like nice one only.

ucme's avatar

Haha, this is beginning to resemble Randy…“only nice people answer”

cookieman's avatar

No. And some are ugly too.

josie's avatar

I generally like the innocence of youth.

Some kids, however, are irredeemable morons. Oh well.

fluthernutter's avatar

@josie How about the innocence of morons?~

Here2_4's avatar

Nope. I am pretty sure I love them all, but some are very difficult to like.
@janbb , @ragingloli called He wants his sick response back. Ha ha.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

No, but @zenvelo pretty much summed it up for me: If I can’t stand the kid, I would probably flat out hate the parents.

talljasperman's avatar

@janbb You need to tenderize the meat first.

Mimishu1995's avatar

All? Hell no. I do dislike some children. Kids like my 12-year-old cousin drive me mad. And I don’t really get on well with babies, though I really wish I could.

talljasperman's avatar

@janbb Have you tried the Baby baby back ribs?

livelaughlove21's avatar

I don’t like many children, and the ones I do like are always walking a fine line. Then again, the same applies to adults.

People are annoying, regardless of age. Kids just make it harder to ignore them.

keobooks's avatar

I love MOST children, but certainly not all of them. One of my biggest strengths in any of my jobs was the ability to get along and relate to kids on their level. I love kids.

I don’t like the neighbor girl who was a bully when she was only 3 years old and said nasty things about my 1 year old daughter. She’s still nasty and excludes other little kids in the neighborhood. I can’t believe someone so young would already have such a rotten core.

My daughter has a friend who has a cousin. Something is seriously wrong with this kid. When he was 3, he shoved my daughter’s friend (who was 2 at the time) down a flight of stairs and he broke his collar bone. He is oddly violent and manages to take games the kids play too far and he ends up breaking things or getting people hurt.

Anyway, I don’t feel bad about not liking these two kids. I would still say I love children. You don’t have to love them ALL.

Stinley's avatar

I like most people.

I would give children more of a chance than I would give adults. If an adult does something unacceptable, then that’s it – zero tolerance. Like the mother of my daughter’s friend when she talked about the neighbourhood going downhill after ‘the asians’ moved in. Twice in the same conversation. Unacceptable. I don’t have anything to do with her now

If a child behaved badly, I’d be more likely to call them out of their behaviour and give them a chance to improve. But, yes, some of them never improve and seem to have basically horrible natures. I’d cut them out after a few chances.

jca's avatar

I used to work at a day care center and it was a lot of work. I admired the other teachers (or whatever you call them – “attendants?”) who seemed to be so good with kids. I was not that way. I don’t have the skills, even now, that they did. They had special ways of talking to the little ones that I didn’t have.

Now with a 7 year old, I am around kids a lot with her friends and classmates. I do tend to like them, but they all pretty much seem to be good kids and she’s in a great school system. 7 year old kids are mature enough that you don’t have to talk to them like little toddlers – you can talk to them more like adults and they can reason and they’re also calmer.

I am friends with a couple who have two kids about my daughter’s age. They’re good kids but very active and loud. Fighting, running, screaming in the house. To me, that’s annoying as shit. I guess I’m used to my one, quiet kid. Even when she’s active, she’s relatively quiet.

In the work I used to do, for CPS, I came across all kinds of kids. Good kids, bad kids, kids with all kinds of issues, kids with all kinds of parents. Some of those kids were hard to tolerate but a lot of them learned from their parents and mimicked the parents’ behavior.

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