Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

How could a person have "liked" a Facebook post if they hadn't even gotten into Facebook yet today?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) January 31st, 2015

I posted a short story, and it showed that my daughter and one other person “liked” it. My daughter called a few minutes later and I made a comment about the post.
She said, “I haven’t seen it. I haven’t checked my Facebook yet today.”

…..Could her account be hacked? Is this something she should notify FB about?

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22 Answers

dappled_leaves's avatar

Maybe she shares her account with her husband.
Maybe she liked it yesterday and you just received the notification.
Maybe she did log into Facebook today and forgot.
Maybe she lied.

If someone has hacked into her account, it’s extremely unlikely that they’re liking her friends’ posts. That would only alert her to the hack – they would gain nothing, but possibly lose access. Hackers don’t do this.

Dutchess_III's avatar

She does not share her account with her husband.

I posted it this morning, not yesterday, and it showed that she “liked” it within 5 minutes. I spoke to her about 3 minutes after the “like” showed up.

She wouldn’t forget something she’d done just minutes earlier. Plus she was on the road at the time it showed the “like.” She’s not one of those idiots who checks fb when she’d driving.

She had absolutely no reason to lie, and that was just a nasty thing to say, but par for the course.

If they hacked her account, they could have forgotten that they were in HER account and liked it. That “like” has now disappeared, but I have a screen print of it.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Ok. Those are the possible explanations I could think of. Sorry I tried to answer your question.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Pretty sure she’s hacked. I was just wondering if maybe there was something in FB that would automatically create a “like” for people who are tagged in a post. But the more I thought about it, the more I disregarded that possibility.

I talked to her about it, and we have a good idea who it is. It’s happened before, with a different person, but he was stupid enough to react to posts she made when he couldn’t see them from HIS account. (It was funny…she reset her phone to factory settings, which deleted the spy app he’d downloaded on her phone, and the guy called a few minutes later wanting to know what she’d done to his phone, because it just shut off. That was so stupid of him.)

Anyway, we’re just going to leave it as is, and tailor our messages accordingly.

dappled_leaves's avatar

All she needs to do if she thinks she’s been hacked is change her password. There’s no reason for you to resort to covert ops.

Berserker's avatar

If they hacked her account, they could have forgotten that they were in HER account and liked it. That “like” has now disappeared, but I have a screen print of it.

Haha wow, if that’s true they’re a real dumbass.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A spy app tells whoever hacked her account what her new password is. Anytime she makes any change the other person knows. The only way to get rid of it is to reset the phone to factory settings. However, if that other person has access to her phone he can just download it again.

@Symbeline oh, it’s real easy to do. Have you ever created an alter ego account here? You try to keep your real identity a secret but it’s hard. You forget you’re in a “different” account.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Dutchess_III Wait, you’re saying a specific person installed an app on your daughter’s phone? Why not just uninstall the app?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait…I take it back. It’s still there. What’s really strange is the post shows up on my time line twice….once showing where my other friend liked it and a second time, just below it where it shows that my friend and my daughter liked it…..

Dutchess_III's avatar

IDK how it all works. Not sure how to find it, either. It’s a spy app, so it’s probably hidden somewhere.

ragingloli's avatar

A likely explanation is of course that it was facebook itself to create fake activity.

ucme's avatar

I know nothing about this, but thought i’d answer just for the lulz :D

Dutchess_III's avatar

I wondered about that too @ragingloli.

Berserker's avatar

@ragingloli FaceBook gives you pages and stuff in your feed it thinks you’ll like based on your activity and the stuff you tend to check out on it, this is true. Denno that it actually likes things on your behalf though.

ucme's avatar

When fb users post some dramatic shit like “Absolutely fuming right now”
People comment on this asking if they’re okay & wondering what’s up.
They respond with something like, “Nothing hun, i’ll be fine”
Makes me wanna kick them a new arsehole :D

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Omfg I HATE that too. Fuckin attention whores. Well, you can do wtv the fuck you want on your own FB, but I still have the right to be annoyed by it lol.

ucme's avatar

I don’t do fb, but the wife does & sometimes I browse around for my own amusement.
Some of the stuff on there reads like a demented divas diary…“Like/Share if you love your kids”
WTF…clicking a fucking button on the internet means you’re a loving parent?
Get right outta fucking town!

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, or being shown a pic of a bald girl fighting cancer, telling you that if you don’t like the pic, you’re a horrible monster. I have no compassion if I don’t click like? Eat a dick FB, you don’t get to govern or judge my levels of compassion and whatnot.

ucme's avatar

Very rarely, I can’t help but make a scathing comment when I see shit like that.
I say rarely because the wife hits hard & the bruises can take some time to heal :(

Dutchess_III's avatar

And all the “bitch” comments. It gets so trashy sometimes.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wait Wait WAIT If it was a picture that is part of an album or group of pictures previously posted, that was most probably from a prior “Like” !

Dutchess_III's avatar

No, it wasn’t a picture. It was a fresh post, all words.

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