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talljasperman's avatar

Can you play matchmaker? Where are the tall women at ?(possibly NSFW) (Details Inside).

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) January 31st, 2015

Sorry for the wall-o-text.
The last time I had a girlfriend was 15 years ago, in university, and what little we did was boring (Kissing and making out). I’m turned off and it takes more and more to turn me on. Now I gave up on internet porn, and I purchased a year membership to POF (Plenty of Fish) and only short people are on the site. It’s hard to find Tall women 6 foot or more height. I don’t have anything else to do with my day. I am on disability and I suffer from dizzy spells when I stand up. I don’t know maybe I’m having a midlife crisis. I don’t have a job or a driver’s licence, and I watch business news and Suze Orman on CNBC on saturdays (tonight at 7pm). I know I am rambling but I just typing for fun and I don’t know how you can help me other than to set me up on a date with a tall girl? Sorry for the wall-o-text.

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8 Answers

ucme's avatar

Maybe if you cut off your legs, no more dizzy spells & most women will be tall, opens up your options.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Could you try for a desk job. Answeing phones or booking appointments part-time at first? Would you feel overwhelmed by that?

CWOTUS's avatar

You need to stop focusing on your disabilities, whatever they are, and even more importantly stop advertising yourself as the poster boy for whatever happens to occur to you to be wrong today. Start acting on the things that you can do, that you enjoy doing and that you will do, and let the rest go – or get into those things as your abilities increase. (And they will increase as you intend for them to. The corny old saying is true: “Whether you say ‘I can’ or ‘I cannot’ … you’re right.”

People in the Netherlands and in Kenya are generally acknowledged to be among the tallest in the world, in general. You won’t have any language difficulty with most Dutch, since English has been taught in the schools there as a mandatory course for many years. Since Kenya was at one time a British colony, English is pretty prevalent there as well. (But I have no experience in Africa at all.)

JLeslie's avatar

I always joke they are in the upper Midwest part of America. Germans and Viking stock there. You’re in Canada and I seem to remember tall women in BC, but I’m sure there are short ones too since you have a lot of Asians there. Are you in BC? I don’t remember which province you’re in.

talljasperman's avatar

@JLeslie I’m from Alberta.

Stinley's avatar

Now as a tall woman myself, I’m all for saving the tall guys for us but are you saying that you only like tall women? Why not give someone shorter a try? Surely compatibility goes further than just physical attributes?

jca's avatar

I don’t understand why you are limiting your options to such a small percentage of the total available. In my lifetime, I have come across probably thousands of women and have only seen very few that were over 6 feet tall, which is your requirement. I can think of two offhand. You are really limiting yourself. I am 5’9” and I am considered a tall woman. Most women, it seems, are around 5’4” to 5’7”. They will appear taller with heels on, of course.

If you broaden your horizons, you will find a larger pool of available women. When you factor in location, likes and dislikes and then compatibility, which will weed out the potentials even more, you’re going to be left with a needle in a haystack.

I am wondering why height, and such a rare height, is so important for you.

talljasperman's avatar

@jca I dated a small woman once… the mechanics of lovemaking and snuggling didn’t work out.. I want to try dating a tall woman and see what happens. I want someone who can keep up with me while walking.

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