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JLeslie's avatar

Can I connect my gmail to outlook?

Asked by JLeslie (65896points) February 2nd, 2015 from iPhone

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3 Answers

jaytkay's avatar

You would like to use Outlook on a PC to send & receive Gmail, correct?

Step 1
Enable imap in your Gmail account
Gmail Help – Get started with IMAP and POP3

Step 2
Set Up Gmail in Microsoft Outlook

To set up Gmail in Microsoft Outlook (we’ll be using Outlook 2010 for this demonstration), open up Outlook and run through the following steps:

Head to File > Account Settings > Account Settings. Click the New button to create a new account.

Click on the “Manually configure server settings” radio button at the bottom of the new account window. Then, hit Next.

Choose Internet Email at the next screen and hit Next.

Type in your name and Gmail address under “User Information.

Change your Account Type from POP3 to IMAP, and add as your Incoming Mail Server.

Type in as your Outgoing Mail Server.

Type in your full Gmail address (i.e. and password under Logon Information.

Hit the More Settings button and go to the Advanced tab.

Under Incoming Server, type 993 and set your encryption from “None” to “SSL”.

Under Outgoing Server, type 587 and set your encryption to TLS.

Head to the Outgoing Server tab of the same window and check the box that says “My outgoing server requires authentication”.

Hit OK, and hit Next to complete your account setup.

anonymous6059's avatar

I like using thunderbird. It has a lighting calender that you can add which lets you integrate gmail and outlook. That way I can check my calender and email at the same time. However, I guess of an old way of doing things now, but I personally haven’t found anything that works better.

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