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talljasperman's avatar

Where can I learn all about the science gobbledy gook? (Details Inside).

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) February 2nd, 2015

From math equations to understanding computer hardware. It’s mostly all over my head, but I would be willing to watch a YouTube video on science terminology. Can you suggest a good couple of YouTube videos that are designed for an overview of science?

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8 Answers

anonymous6059's avatar

I really enjoy the teaching companies material personally.

SloanFaunus's avatar

Any particular field of science: biology, chemistry, biochemistry, engineering, physics? There are so many sciences.

jerv's avatar

That is a wide, wide, WIDE range. It takes a couple of years just to grasp a decent understanding of just one of those.

Fortunately, the basic math (including 2 years of Algebra) was handled in school, as were a year of physics, and a year of “Principles of Technology”, an elective that our vocational center offered that gave classroom and lab-time instruction on things from hydraulics to solid-state electronics.

That said, those who didn’t pay much attention in grade/high school are going to have a hard slog as there is over a dozen years worth of prerequisites before we can even talk about the sort of doping required to turn a semiconductor into either a p-type or n-type; as transistors are either PNP or NPN and computers are made of transistors, knowledge of chemistry and physics is a building block for knowing electronics. But computers are quite different from biological systems, and while knowledge of chemistry and physics also help one understand the building blocks of life, the application of those skills is different than for physics/engineering.

And then there are the “soft sciences” like Psychology… though Psychology requires Statistics, which in turn requires strong algebra skills.

I could go on, but you get the point. There is a ton of stuff in each of the many branches of science, and a ton of different branches, so I’m not sure where to even begin, especially not knowing how strong your math skills are. I mean, how well can you follow what I did here and why? Can you do that? If not, the road to knowledge is going to be a bit longer for you.

Unbroken's avatar

Well math is an easy answer. Khan academy

Coursera can help with science better then khan is able to I think. Both are free.

RocketGuy's avatar

This guy does a great job at explaining scientific concepts:

Tropical_Willie's avatar

How Stuff Works is good and how can you go wrong with a founder by the name of Marshall Brain. No really his name is Brain.

jerv's avatar

Scott Mueller can give you a 2-hour beginners guide to building a PC, but that only scratches the surface of what is in his book. That said, his book gives a fair overview of all sorts of hardware, including the basic principles of each technology.

Just remember, you can’t cram what takes most people years to learn into a YouTube video though. The best you can do via YouTube is build slightly on existing knowledge, and it sounds like you have a pretty shaky foundation to build on.

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