Why are some men (of celebrity or stature) so stupid?
Twice in the last two weeks, two men who have “names” in the football world were arrested for solicitation of prostitution. One was the ESPN (?) broadcaster, and yesterday, former NFL player and NFL Network employee Warren Sapp.
Don’t get me wrong. I think that prostitution should be legal.
But since it isn’t – why don’t these guys realize that they’re public figures – why don’t they have the smarts to (a) keept it in their pants, or (b) not get caught?
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10 Answers
It’s not about brains, it’s about image. Stature. Ego. ME ME ME! Then there that whole head-in-your-pants thing where when it comes to sex, you don’t use the logic your head-on-shoulders possesses, or should possess.
I was under the impression humans were still humans, regardless of artificial social hierarchy.
I never understood this notion of expecting people to be different because of what others think of them. It’s like you’re literally saying “You’re life is different than mine, so you should have a different biology and neurological structure.”
If they weren’t famous it would be ok? “Oh yea my neighbor cheated on his wife, but you know it happens with us regular folk, but Sapp? How could he do that?!”
I find it a bit more interesting that someone with that kinda money and fame would need a prostitute in the first place.
Risk taking is built into celebrity.
Politicians, actors, religious leaders and all public figures get into the public eye by taking risks and being bold. Sometimes when they get to the top, they begin to think they are ‘king of the mountain’ and can do nearly anything they please with impunity. See also: OJ Simpson, Jim Baker, etc.
That said, I don’t think these two cases are very noteworthy. It’s not like they raped the women. The right damage control firm and spin, it could even enhance their careers down the road. It might be illegal where they were caught, but it’s still consensual. And it’s a heavily male dominated field. So they had a little thrill seeking.
They obviously don’t network well with the rest of the good ole boys.
I agree with @El_Cadejo
Who knows what motivates people to do what they do.
I dunno….but it does seem rather stupid in the sense that if you’re in the public spotlight you should expect to have a hard time keeping secrets of any kind.
I just chalk it up to the usual male predisposition of being controlled by the little head and thrill seeking. The forbidden fruit mantra comes to mind.
A lot of men are willing to risk anything for that 30 second orgasm. lol
Also, they shouldn’t have to buy sex.
It’s an exclusive club, famed for their long standing members.
It’s possible they want to do things that their girlfriends refuse to do.
Once you become a celebrity, publicity matters.
Maybe they figured it was a reasonably cheap (I am sure they can each afford the fine) form of publicity.
Or, having said it, maybe they are as you said, simply stupid.
Super stars are given the impression that they are more than mortal. The rules don’t apply to them, and often enough, that’s true.
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