Social Question

janbb's avatar

Are blue M&Ms superior or inferior to the others?

Asked by janbb (63366points) February 3rd, 2015

You all know how socially conscious I am and that I like to ask questions that provoke discussion. So I am asking this burning question and hope it will be addressed with seriousness but respect for people with other viewpoints. It seems to me that blue M&Ms are new to the bag but seem to be rising in number and prominence in the group. Are they the 1%? Or a union with power? What is your take on the issue?

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12 Answers

janbb's avatar

@DominicY Do you think the blue ones ate the tan ones or do you think the tan ones had color reassignment surgery?

syz's avatar

Maybe the tan ones were considered illegal immigrants.

janbb's avatar

Do you think the blue ones are anti-immigration?

Winter_Pariah's avatar

All M&M’s are equal before the great maw.

DominicY's avatar

@janbb I think they just kept intermarrying until they left the gene pool :P

“So I says ‘red M&M, green M&M, they all end up the same color in the end’.” -Homer Simpson

marinelife's avatar

I know about not eating blue food, but I love blue M&Ms. I was so glad when they added them. Did they replace tan (boring), yellow (unappetizing).

Did I tell you the story of my sister? She convinced me that red M&Ms tasted different than the others and she could tell the color by tasting them. The little bugger ate half a large bag before I figured out it was a ploy to get me to feed her M&Ms!

janbb's avatar

@marinelife Yeah – I like the blue ones too. They make the whole bag look livelier – and so easier to eat.

Gee – that story sounds like the kind of stunt I would have pulled on my little brother!

canidmajor's avatar

I think they have the appeal of Flash and Dazzle, (an appeal to which I am not immune, I must admit) so in this time of seeking ever more excitement, ever more cheap thrills, (and not having the strength of ankle or knee joints for bungee jumping) I’m afraid I succumb to lure of the Blue, as a way to get my heart pounding with excitement, the juices flowing, the spring into my step!

In other words, they provide an excellent aerobic workout.

elbanditoroso's avatar

There was a family owned company that had the exclusive right to market that color. It was owned by Elwood and Jake Blues – the Blues Brothers.

A couple of years ago, both of them went to jail, and they lost the right to sell the blue M&Ms. That’s how the big conglomerate got ahold of them.

fluthernutter's avatar

I think I would have liked them more if they were just an addition instead of a replacement.


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