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talljasperman's avatar

Have you ever said no and the person went ahead anyway?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) February 3rd, 2015

Yesterday I went to the dentist and I refused to have any more pain and they talked me into agreeing to the dental work. I said no several times. Is it normal for you to be talked into changing your mind? I even had a next appointment on the 7 for teeth cleaning. Also I have 4 more fillings to go on the 12th. They say it is needed or I could lose my teeth.

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21 Answers

ucme's avatar

Sat on Satan’s Santa’s lap as a wee bairn, bastard insisted on bouncing me #lockhimup

gailcalled's avatar

@talljasperman: Do you really want to be toothless at 35? Novocaine should take care of the discomfort of filling the four teeth. The initial stick of the needle hurts, but only for a few second and you can use deep breathing to get through it.

It sounds as though you eventually said “Yes.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, why did you go to the dentist?

talljasperman's avatar

@Dutchess_III To get two bad teeth looked at and I was told If I canceled my appointment that I would get a $60 an hour fine. I got sold up for the rest. I’m on disability and it is a free service for me. They would only fix my one bad tooth if I got the whole package (8 fillings) done. I chickened out and they talked me back. I’m basically scared to go back for more.
I’m sorry it’s a stupid answer , from a stupid question, but I just did as I was told from getting a hygienist telling me to get my teeth fixed 6 months ago. I follow the leader. I’m just upset that I didn’t just walk out of the dentist office and payed the $60 an hour fine

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, just have them pull all your teeth out so you don’t have to go to the dentist any more. At this rate you’re going to lose them anyway.

talljasperman's avatar

@Dutchess_III Then I would have to get dentures and my grandpa told me it’s not fun. I will get the rest of my teeth fixed… See I did it again, you got mad at me and I caved.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m not mad.

Berserker's avatar

@ucme…that was disturbing, dude. XD

talljasperman's avatar

@all I cancled both appointments… I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. Lucky me : ) .

Dutchess_III's avatar

Man, after 4 years with no insurance, the first thing I did when we GOT insurance was to make an appointment with a dentist. The second thing I did was schedule a physical check up…where upon I learned that my bp was in the stroke range, like 230/180 or something.

I’ve gone back to the dentist faithfully every six months.

chyna's avatar

I’m pretty sure that having bad teeth is a big turn off to anyone you are trying to meet from other questions you have asked on here.
I know it hurts, but rotting teeth hurt a lot more. Finish your visits and take good care of your teeth from now on.

Dutchess_III's avatar

There also seems to be a link between healthy teeth and a healthy hearts.

talljasperman's avatar

@chyna I’m waiting one month to think it over. I feel relief from canceling my appointments.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh! Thanks for reminding me! They called yesterday to remind me that my 6 month check was today. But…I have the baby. I just called them and rescheduled for Thursday.

Judi's avatar

Ask them to give you a prescript for Valuim or Xanax before your next appointment. You are lucky to get care. If you were on the US your teeth would probably rot.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Thankfully my mother “disturbed” the fucker & I got outta there relatively unharmed.

Berserker's avatar

Wait, I thought you were joking…

ucme's avatar

No, no, I was bounced on his lap, maybe he was fulfilling his role, or maybe he was a dirty bastard. Can’t ask him coz he’s almost certainly dead now :D

anniereborn's avatar

You have every right to say “no” to anything involving your body. However, as others have said, think of the consequences. Is it the procedures that are difficult or is it this particular dentist? I once had a dentist that was very rough and I came out of there in a panic. If that is the case try to find one who is understanding. And yes, see if you can get a script for some type of anti-anxiety for the procedures.

chyna's avatar

I agree with the others on the anti-anxiety medications.
Something I used to have to do when getting fillings in my teeth is nitrous oxide. The dentist gives it to you before a procedure to relax you. This doesn’t knock you out, but just makes you relaxed enough not to be scared or upset. Of course the dentist also gave me Novocain so there was no pain. Maybe you can ask if your dentist offers this service.

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