Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Women, was there ever a time when you met a guy you didn't know and all you wanted to do was have sex with him ASAP just because he was so good looking and had such a fine body?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) February 3rd, 2015

I haven’t. The closest I came was when I met my husband, Rick. He just exuded a quiet power and strength and confidence…and I responded. I responded to the look of desire in his eye when he saw me, even though I’d seen that look in a hundred men’s eyes before and never responded to them.

No, we didn’t have sex then. In fact, after a couple of weeks I told him to go to hell!

He spent the next 3 years quietly pursuing me. He finally won. And I slept with him the first time he came to my house (which was our first “date”.) I did it more to shut him up than anything! That’s when I learned the boy can talk for hours!

My attraction wasn’t based on what he looked like, just the power and confidence that came from him. And he’s really funny!

Here is Rick during his younger racing years. I married a goof ball, for sure.
Here is another from when he was in his early 20’s.

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34 Answers

ucme's avatar

I get this all the time, can be awfully tiresome, particularly when i’m out with the kids.
Time & a place girls…time & a place :)

zenvelo's avatar

@Dutchess_III That second picture is the most lifelike puppet I have ever seen!

gailcalled's avatar

“Pursuing” rather than “perusing”?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Way ahead of you @gailcalled

No, that’s his oldest daughter @zenvelo! :D

livelaughlove21's avatar

In real life, no. I’ve thought men were very attractive, of course, but I’ve never wanted to have sex with someone I just met because they were hot. My husband is very attractive, with a handsome face and a great body, but it still took him six months to get into my pants. Granted, we were 17 when we met and I was a virgin, but still.

I wouldn’t mind giving Bradley Cooper a romp in the sack, though.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

True Eros pairings aren’t all to common but when they happen… well, sometimes you need to find a new seat on a plane – . -

jca's avatar

No. I’ll admire their faces and bodies – their smile, their strong shoulders, their butts, their strong powerful legs, and of course their intelligent, thoughtful brains but have not been willing to jump into bed with them.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Did you even want to, @jca?

livelaughlove21's avatar

I also admire their butts.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I liked a guy in HS who had the cutest butt in the whole world!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

“Pursuing” rather than “perusing”?
Grammar fanging…..hee hee hee

I have seen it, I don’t think you would honestly get any woman to tell the truth on this. Years ago I told this new girl to the office not to take this ”prettyboy” in the office seriously, that in so many words he bragged he was going to ”get the new girl”. She did not listen and while at a party they were invited to by another worker, they snuck out and he rode her hard and put her away wet, bragged to all the office (the males), lost interest in her, and left her with three miles of egg on her face and looking hoochie to all of the women in the office. There are women who do it even though they are warned ahead of time, ”don’t go there”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We’ve all made that same mistake @Hypocrisy_Central

The question is, did SHE want to jump HIS bones? Just because she gave in to his pressure, and probably to his lies, doesn’t me it was her idea and that she initiated it.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ The question is, did SHE want to jump HIS bones?
Yes, because he had the GQ looks, and a chiseled body. He did do some modeling, never big time, and I guess he never made in the industry because of his shady ways and drug use. When he showed her attention she had blinders on and any red flags were so far in her side vision a refractor telescope could not make her see it. What she did not know, was that he made the claim to us men that he was going to bag her as to snub his nose at all of us, because he knew several of us wanted to get to know her enough to date her.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You just did it! You assumed she wanted to have sex with him just because he was good looking! Women don’t usually have sex for that reason alone, as every woman in the thread above you told you. She had sex with him for other reasons. You don’t know what all he said to her to convince her to have sex with him.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Dutchess_III You assumed she wanted to have sex with him just because he was good looking!
I could go off logic, and go with the fact that sex is the motivation when most people of the opposite sex try for a relationship (date these days), or are you saying they can’t wait to play cribbage with each other? The way she was saying how hunky he was and how she would like to go out with him, etc. if one were naïve one would believe they were going to get together to play a rousing game of Spades with no hint of sex.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Are you being deliberately obtuse? We notice when guys are hunky, we may comment on it, but we don’t go to bed with them for that reason and that reason only. She had other reasons for having sex with him (he fed her a line of bullshit) not because of his looks and his body. He probably isn’t even any good in bed.

And if she commented she wanted to go out on a date with him, that was probably what she literally meant. But you choose to read “go out on a date” as “have sex.”

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Dutchess_III We notice when guys are hunky, we may comment on it, but we don’t go to bed with them for that reason and that reason only. She had other reasons for having sex with him (he fed her a line of bullshit) not because of his looks and his body.
Wwll, guess his bullshit must have been better than anyone else’, she did not know anyone else in the office longer or shorter than she knew him, and she did not sneak off from a party, much less even go to one, to have sex with any of us non-model types. His bullshit worked because he had the eye candy to bamboozle her good reasoning.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

I can’t recall ever meeting a man who I’ve wanted to go to bed with based simply on his looks. I’ve met some gorgeous men and many I’ve been attracted to. However, to make me want to bed them they’ll need to have more than a good body and pretty face.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didnt say good looks dont help, but there have to be other factors involved. I think men my be more inclined to sleep with a woman based on looks alone.

livelaughlove21's avatar

“I think men my be more inclined to sleep with a woman based on looks alone.”

Anyone that disagrees with that is clueless. Are there exceptions? Sure. But men are simply more visual creatures, and more likely to think with their genitalia than women, in general.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yep. But it seems to me that a couple of guys here are trying to insist that women have the same reactions to a good looking guy, that guys have to a good looking woman. They think we automatically get aroused, like men do.
I think most men here understand that that isn’t true, but at least one is trying to prove us wrong, @livelaughlove21.

JLeslie's avatar

Maybe men are confusing that we let them have sex with us, with wanting to have sex with them.

When I was younger I had one one night stand. I basically let him have sex with me. It was a party, he was a friend of a friend, lots of people were hooking up, he wanted to be with me, and I basically let him. Maybe he thought I had been desiring him all night? Nope.

Two men I dated, after just a few dates, I said while making out something along the lines of, “have sex with me.” I don’t remember how I worded it. It wasn’t that I was so turned on I couldn’t wait, or so enthralled with their body. Basically, I thought they wanted to, and I was willing too.

I would never do those things now that I am older.

One of those guys did wind up being my husband by the way.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Excellent answer @JLeslie. Woman will have sex with men for a lot of different reasons, not necessarily out of desire. Besides, even if the guy is good, most of the time it takes some foreplay before a woman even feels desire.
After I got married I realized that my husband expected me to have sex with him on demand, basically. Most of the time I gave in, so I wouldn’t face pouting and recrimination the next day, and most of the time I enjoyed it in the end.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Are there exceptions? Sure.
Guess this office mate was one of the exceptions.

@JLeslie Basically, I thought they wanted to, and I was willing too.
Guess all those women chasing down those celebrities are doing so because they feel the guy is so sex needy and they have the right stuff, they had to offer it to him because he wanted it so badly but could not get any. ~~

livelaughlove21's avatar

Yes, because women that chase after celebrities do so because the celebrities are hot. Uh, no. They’re attracted to their fame, talent, money, etc. Those things, paired with Hollywood good looks, make women so willing to have sex with stars.

Desperation and craziness also has something to do with it.

JLeslie's avatar

I was a very horny girl, but that didn’t matter, I still didn’t really want to have sex with some stranger. The only men I feel desperate to boink are ones I was in a relationship with and had had sex with before.

@Hypocrissy_Central What if those guys aren’t famous? See the problem? Take away the fame and women aren’t all falling over themselves to have sex with them.

I’m sure there are women who go through men like candy. Those women generally are not on Fluther I guess. I think most women are like Fluther women, and then there is a percentage of women who have sex for sex like many men do.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@JLeslie […What if those guys aren’t famous? See the problem? Take away the fame and women aren’t all falling over themselves to have sex with them.
Take away the fame, the pool gets smaller but doesn’t dry up all the way. There was a friend (I will leave her nameless), that hit hard times and was staying at my place for a time. She was at a bar and asked if I would drive over to pick her up. When I got there she apologized but said she met this hunky Nordic god type guy, (I got a look at him and he was like a low-rent Fabio) but she threw herself at him, went home with him all night, came back the next morning stiff after being rode hard and put away wet. The pool gets much smaller but doesn’t dry up completely.

JLeslie's avatar

Hypocrisy_Central I’m just saying that is rare, not nonexistent. Compare to men that it is common.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You sure are fond of “ridden hard and put away wet.” You do know that the woman probably got nothing out of it. The man ^^^ just gets bragging rights.

We all agreed earlier that women will sleep with men for reasons other than their physical appearance. Money for one. We aren’t blind to the power we hold, and some are willing to use it as a means to an end. It doesn’t mean that we are just exploding with desire. It means we are conniving (if you’re the kind of woman who would do that. I, for one, am not that kind of woman, although I’ve had my chances.)

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Dutchess_III You do know that the woman probably got nothing out of it. The man ^^^ just gets bragging rights.
Here is the secret, I am not supposed to tell you, but it is a freebie; the man always have the bragging rights. Even if the guy is a troglodyte, cretin, or circus geek that lucked out and boinked the bikini model or beauty queen, he still has bragging rights. Even if a gal wanted to boink the brains out of some guy, more times than not her tryst will end up as popular conversation around the poker table, the lunchroom. Out at the job site, the club, the locker room, etc.often embellished. The woman can believe it will stay in the bedroom, but…….

We all agreed earlier that women will sleep with men for reasons other than their physical appearance. Money for one.
But with the premise that it takes more than just looks for the average woman (the exception notwithstanding) to go boink a man, you have de facto answered your own question, and that being a ’No’, they won’t.

Dutchess_III's avatar

‘No’ they won’t what?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Dutchess_III ‘No’ they won’t what?
That no, the average woman would have to have some mental, metaphysical, romantic connection, etc. before she go boink a guy, even if she just met him 30 minutes after the house party started. That is she ended up in bed with some guy at the frat party it has to be because there was ”chemistry” there, something other than just he was hot and served as a pleasure instrument other than her ”BOB” (battery operated boyfriend). All chemistry is, is some make-believe reason to go boink someone because they are physically appealing but one wants to believe it is more. Since you do not seem to believe women just boink men be solely because they are hot, or it happens about as often as one sees Haley’s Comet, you had your own question answered before you asked it. ;-P

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